
December 29, 2015

Donald Trump emerged in the summer as the front-runner in the race for the 2016 GOP presidential nomination and remained atop the polls into December. January Jan. 1 | Vietnam legalizes same-sex marriage. Jan. 2 | Turkey grants permission to construct the first church building in the country in nearly a century. Jan. 3 | Boko Haram militants attack residents of Baga and other…

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December 29, 2015

We should be glad that 2015 is passing into memory, because it was a year when we could barely hold it together. It was a year when we freaked out over symbols and scared ourselves with fake statistics. It was a year when the facts weren’t allowed to get in the way of a good, overwrought slogan. It was a…

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December 29, 2015

Year in Review: 13 Biggest News Stories of 2015 From start to finish, many of this year’s biggest news stories were centered around violence, terror threats or a general sense of fear. The year began with a targeted terror strike in Paris and closed out with another planned attack in California, proving that threats around the globe remain an issue…

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December 29, 2015

President Obama wasted no crises on the occasion of the U.N.’s climate fear-fest earlier this month. Associating murderers of 129 people there two just weeks previously with agents of man-made global warming Armageddon, he observed that by fostering “dangerous” ideologies, climate change “in some ways is akin to the problem of terrorism and ISIL.” He even hailed the conference as…

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December 29, 2015

If the passage of time were a reliable guarantor of increasing human freedom, we would expect history to look a little different than it does. In school, we would have learned that the Englishmen of Charles I’s reign were better off than their Elizabethan grandparents; that the colonists implicated by the Declaratory Act had fairer prospects than those who had…

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December 29, 2015

Setting things right The GOP needs to talk less, and do more in the new year “Low Prices Fail to Spark Growth,” a recent headline in the Wall Street Journal said. Economists scratch their heads wondering why the windfall of low gasoline prices has not spurred consumer spending. After all, many people are saving $100 a month when they fill…

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December 29, 2015
President Obama-Is This War Yet

Is this war yet? By Ambassador Francis Rooney Contrary to the constrained and parsed language that the Obama administration uses to describe the terror radiating from the Middle East, we are at war.  The terror attacks in France only underscore this reality.  This is a struggle for the values and freedoms the Western world holds dear.  The modern secular state…

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December 28, 2015

We know the ways and means to destroy the Islamic State. But we’re not doing it. By all accounts, ISIS is the wealthiest terrorist organization in the world. By far. In round numbers, ISIS is said to have a $2 billion stash, which is keeping it afloat. Most of it comes from oil sales. Much of it comes from plundered…

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December 28, 2015

Let me ask you a question. Let’s say you are an authentically moderate Muslim. Perhaps you were born into Islam but have become secularist. Or perhaps you consider yourself a devout Muslim but interpret Islam in a way that rejects violent jihad, rejects the concept that religious and civic life are indivisible, and rejects the principle that sharia’s totalitarian societal…

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December 23, 2015

INTRODUCTION Christians are dual citizens. We are citizens of the Kingdom of God by faith in Jesus Christ (Phil. 3:20). We are also citizens of an earthly “kingdom.” Consequently, we have obligations in both realms. Jesus commanded: “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s” (Matt. 22:21). As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we are to serve…

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December 21, 2015
Ted Cruz on Campain Trail

Ted Cruz’s View of the Race: Iowa Locked Up, Immigration at the Fore, and a Looming Battle with Rubio By Tim Alberta    — December 21, 2015 Las Vegas — Ted Cruz can see himself on a collision course with Marco Rubio, barreling toward a head-to-head battle with his fellow senator for the Republican nomination — that is, if Rubio can…

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