
September 3, 2015

Ridiculous stories about political correctness float around the Internet like so much ocean garbage. Occasionally, one washes up on Good Morning America with a larger story to tell. A little girl named Laura was sent home with a note because she had brought a Wonder Woman lunchbox to school. (The website the Mary Sue first reported the story, from a…

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September 2, 2015

My column on the home-page today is a refutation of the laughable defense of Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information offered by the former Obama-appointed U.S. attorney who gave David Petraeus a sweetheart misdemeanor plea deal over his mishandling of classified information … and who is now a donor to Clinton’s presidential campaign. In it, I make a point that…

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September 2, 2015

Since he jumped self-confidently into the political limelight, Donald Trump has been quite the upside-down man. Customarily, primary seasons permit each party’s voters to indulge in a rational process of elimination: First, they discover which candidate most closely agrees with them on policy, and then they ask themselves whether that person is capable of representing their ideas in public. This…

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September 1, 2015

The recently concluded federal trial over North Carolina’s election rules proved one thing beyond a reasonable doubt: The Obama administration and its partisan, big-money, racial-interest-group allies will stop at nothing to win elections. And using the courts to change election rules is a key part of their strategy. That was clearly evident in the federal courtroom in Winston-Salem. The plaintiffs,…

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August 31, 2015

A few weeks ago, the California education department did a peculiar thing: It scrubbed historical data about standardized-test scores from its public DataQuest website. This being a government agency, it immediately began to lie to the public about why it had done this. California law forbids using comparisons between different tests to set policy or evaluate programs. This makes sense:…

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August 28, 2015

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said he or another conservative lawmaker may seek a privileged vote next month to oust Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) from his leadership position. Meadows told The Daily Signal that he or another conservative lawmaker may file a privileged motion to “vacate the chair” and force a vote on who should be the House leader. In July,…

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August 28, 2015

John Boehner, leader of the Washington Cartel, really doesn’t like Ted Cruz. But calling him a jackass right now can only help him in his presidential run, and I really hope it does: DAILY CALLER – Speaker of the House John Boehner stunned audience members Wednesday evening at a Colorado fundraiser by referring to Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz as…

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August 28, 2015

The weakened front-runner is going to Democratic elites with one message: My campaign is on track. CLEVELAND — Hillary Clinton’s team is getting tired of the Joe Biden talk. And this week, they want to kill it. The Democrat’s strategy heading into a meeting of party elite on Friday is aimed at dismissing the idea now fueling Biden supporters that…

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August 28, 2015

State Department Spokesperson John Kirby on Wednesday laughed off a letter from 195 retired admirals and generals opposing the Iran nuclear agreement, and dodged questions about why letters of support for the deal being touted by the government should be believed when they have far fewer signatures on them than the letters opposing it. The Obama administration had hyped a…

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August 28, 2015

The consolation prize in the great Senate GOP sellout on the Iran deal was supposed to be the opportunity it created to embarrass Obama. The fear was that if Republicans insisted on two-thirds approval of the deal for ratification, as the Constitution’s Treaty Clause requires, King Barack would simply reassure the public that this wasn’t technically a treaty and proceed…

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August 28, 2015

We’ve seen the stories—bakers, florists, members of the military, business owners, and hard-working public servants who stood up for their beliefs and are paying the price. We know their names because they roll through our newsfeed sandwiched between celebrity gossip and the latest Vine. But for an audience of nearly three thousand last weekend, those stories became real. Last Friday…

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