What does the future hold? Will Iran obtain a nuclear arsenal? If so, when? Will it become a “game changer?” If so, how will things change? “Predicting is hazardous, especially about the future,” says a quote attributed to various wise men. But prediction is essential to policy choices, despite the hazards of making a mistake. Some predictive mistakes, however, are…
A police officer in Birmingham, Ala., was beaten unconscious by a suspect during a traffic stop last week because the officer did not want to be pilloried in the media as a racist for using force against a black man. Last Friday, a Birmingham plainclothes detective pulled over a car being driven erratically. The officer, who has chosen to remain…
Pop music’s wild child wants to know why violence is deemed so much more acceptable than sex. Miley Cyrus, who recently posed nude with a pig for Paper magazine, is absolutely pro-sex. In a new interview with Marie Claire, Cyrus, 22, wondered why she gets scolded and Taylor Swift does not. “I don’t get the violence revenge thing,” Cyrus said,…
That’s the question du jour this week, it seems. Headlines from The Washington Post, ABC News, and People, among others, talk about Miley Cyrus’ comments about sex and violence in entertainment, questioning why one seems to get more attention than the other. Great questions, Miley. We’re glad you brought that up. Our long-standing mission at the Parents Television Council has…
Don’t fall for the myth that courts have expelled religion from public schools. They have not! Courts—including the U.S. Supreme Court—have granted broad religious freedom in public schools. So has the U.S. Department of Education. To help people of faith know and exercise those rights, the legal experts at Liberty Institute created free, easy-to-understand back-to-school resources for students and teachers…
Craig James, a former professional football player and respected sportscaster, is suing Fox Sports Southwest, alleging that the broadcast network fired him because of his religious beliefs on homosexuality and marriage. After working at the network for only a few days—and hosting one broadcast—James was terminated by Fox Sports on Sep. 1, 2013. A senior vice president at the network…
According to the lawsuit the city of Houston and the Houston Housing Authority wants to bulldoze the Christian Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church and condemn property belonging to the Latter Day Deliverance Revival Center. Why? To make money by using it for private business, the lawsuit alleges. “That’s totally against the law,” said attorney Hiram Sasser. And despicable Sasser says. “I…
One of the great traditions of American foreign policy has been to protect the oppressed against those who would do them harm. Yet throughout Barack Obama’s presidency, we have seen time and again how that policy has been abandoned for the sake of politics and The One’s own personal aggrandizement. The most recent example is the revelation that 28 Chaldean…
JACKSON, Tenn.—Union University has informed the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) that it will withdraw from the coalition in the wake of two member schools changing their hiring policies to include same-sex couples. CCCU president Shirley Hoogstra and board chairman Charles Pollard, who also serves as president of John Brown University, received a letter from Union president Dub…
Unfortunately for the American public and the coal industry, the EPA has finalized its so-called “Clean Power Plan” and other rules affecting existing and new power plants. It is now clear that these regulations will cause electricity prices to rise considerably and cause potential brown outs and black outs due to a less reliable electric grid. EPA purports to have…
While it has been an open secret for several years that Donald Trump was once a heavy Democratic donor, a deeper analysis of campaign records shows that the real estate billionaire’s contributions skewed even further left during the 2006 mid-term election, the crucial contest that put Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in power and arguably helped pave the way for…