There is a growing threat to the children and youth of America, a problem unprecedented for previous generations in the land of the free and the home of the brave. The sex trafficking industry has moved into our borders and it is growing. No longer are human smugglers just bringing in kidnapped foreigners but now the emboldened traffickers will seize…
It’s hard to get 96 percent of people to agree on anything, but last month’s Wall Street Journal/NBC poll found that 96 percent of those surveyed believe we are in for a summer of racial unrest. In the wake of Ferguson and Baltimore, it’s time for some reflection on how we got here. This year marks two significant anniversaries. In…
It’s to be expected that I hardly agree with President Obama on any political issues, as we have radically different worldviews, but what I don’t understand is why there isn’t more alarm from all quarters about the potentially existential threats to this nation posed by his policies. Obama’s ideas, policies and actions in office are often so outrageous that when…
Senator Lindsey Graham introduced a pro-life bill at a press conference Thursday with pro-life leaders. The bill, titled the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act”, would make abortions illegal on unborn babies determined to be at least 20 weeks old, with exceptions in the cases of rape and incest if reported 48 hours prior to the abortion and when the…
Attorney General Paxton Applauds Pastor Protection Bill; Calls for Protection for All People of Faith in Texas AUSTIN –Attorney General Ken Paxton today participated in the bill signing for Senate Bill 2065, commonly referred to as the Pastor Protection Bill. The law shields pastors and churches from lawsuits regarding their refusal to perform or host a marriage ceremony that violates…
The Isis militant group has seized enough radioactive material from government facilities to suggest it has the capacity to build a large and devastating “dirty” bomb, according to Australian intelligence reports. Isis declared its ambition to develop weapons of mass destruction in the most recent edition of its propaganda magazine Dabiq, and Indian defence officials have previously warned of the…
While the domestic spying National Security Agency has been under the red-hot political spot light, another quasi-governmental agency has quietly gone about the business of collecting nearly 1 billion U.S. credit card records without consumer consent. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, CFPB, unlike the NSA, operates with no congressional oversight and with little public transparency, even as it demands complete…
Covering issues from Europe to terrorism and IT, the lesser known Bilderberg policy conference includes prime ministers, CEOs from banks, airlines, oil and the arms industry, and even George Osborne. As one summit closes, another opens. Thursday sees the start of the influential Bilderberg policy conference, which this year is being held in Austria, just 16 miles south of the…
Our culture longs for superheroes because our country lacks leadership. So we flock to see Ironman, or binge-watch Daredevil, to console and distract ourselves. Through most of our history, we educated our young people on epics and ancient chronicles, chivalric ballads and tales of saints. Real liberal arts education starts with stories, of Achilles’ passion for glory and Hector’s love…
Vice President Joe Biden said investing in the nation’s highways and bridges is a national security issue and Congress should quickly approve spending for new projects. Biden said Monday the government now spends less than 1 percent of the gross domestic product on infrastructure, down from about 4 percent. Businesses won’t invest if they don’t know they can get raw…
President Lyndon Johnson did not want his signature legislative achievement, the 1965 passage of the Medicare program, to be a means-tested (i.e., income-dependent) welfare program. And Johnson’s not the only one. In July 2011, AARP Senior Vice President Joyce Rogers released this statement after President Obama indicated he might be willing to consider expanding means testing in Medicare: “Medicare is…