As we come to the end of 2014, Charles Osgood offers us some of the stories we’ll remember . . . January brought the first death in anti-Russian protests in Ukraine. Those protests ultimately led to the Russian invasion of Crimea – and what some are calling a new cold war with the United States. Gallery: Ukraine protests grow more…

Relations between Washington and Jerusalem were marked this year, in large part, by insults. “Poof” went the prospects of peace between Israel and the Palestinians, said US Secretary of State John Kerry, who himself was labeled “messianic” by Israeli defense minister Moshe Ya’alon for his “obsessive” focus on the peace process. Kerry later said Israel would become an “apartheid” state…
What Is a Roaring Lamb? A Lamb is a Christian. A Roaring Lamb is a Christian who Amplifies their Faith. The term Roaring Lamb originated with Bob Briner who wrote the book “Roaring Lambs.” He said, “It’s time for believers to confidently carry their faith with them into the marketplace so that our very culture feels the difference.” Start a…
Carol Sewell, a native Californian grew up in Tyler, Texas and graduated from Oklahoma City University with a Bachelor of Arts in Sociology. In 1980, after attending Washington for Jesus, Carol developed a passion for America and its political system. Since then, she has been devoted to educating herself and her fellow Christians about America’s Christian heritage and our responsibility…
Attorney General Eric Holder insisted to MSNBC earlier this month that “we are in a better place than we were before” in race relations since Barack Obama was elected president. The president doubled down in an interview with NPR last week. Asked if race relations were worse since he took office, he said, “No, I actually think that it’s probably…
It might not get the news coverage it deserves with everything else going on at the moment, but the unanimous ruling by a three-judge panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati against a federal gun law is a very big deal. The court held that the federal ban on gun ownership by people who have been…
The lone wolf is the new nightmare, dramatized and amplified this week by the hostage-taking attack in Sydney. But there are two kinds of lone wolves — the crazy and the evil — and the distinction is important. The real terrorists are rational. Maj. Nidal Hasan, the Fort Hood shooter, had been functioning as an Army doctor for years. Psychotics…
( – Suggestions that police are biased and not doing their jobs properly — made by some of the nation’s top leaders — create a dangerous climate for the men and women who serve and protect, says former U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.). “Why do we believe police need retraining or reorganization and reforming?” West asked. Source: Susan Jones,
I sat down to write this on Sunday afternoon. As of that time we all knew about the two NYPD Officers – 40-year-old Rafael Ramos and 32-year-old Wenjian Liu — who were assassinated by 28-year-old Ishmaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley on Saturday in Brooklyn New York. I haven’t heard any statement from President Barack Obama nor Attorney General Eric Holder. Will the…
Take a bow, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Hero of the Revolution. You got what you were pushing for. After weeks of the Mayor treating his own police force like a gang of psychotic racist killers he couldn’t even trust to watch over his mixed-race son, in order to curry favor with the mobs of protesters filling the streets (often illegally,…
Many of the most demoralizing beliefs about marriage, especially when it comes to discouraging statistics commonly passed around, are just not true, says social researcher and best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn. “A subconscious sense of futility about marriage is everywhere, as everything we hear says marriage is ‘in trouble,’” states Feldhahn. “And while some of the bad news is accurate (for…