In the aftermath of “from the river to the sea” anti-Israel protests on many college campuses and in the streets comes a perfectly timed book by Johns Hopkins University Professor Benjamin Ginsberg titled “The New American Anti-Semitism: The Left, The Right, and the Jews.”
There are growing concerns that the Republican Party’s MAGA wing wants to return to isolationism, defined as “a national policy of avoiding political or economic entanglements with other countries.”
By: Christian Schneider – – February 22, 2024 One question is who will win in 2024, Biden or Trump. But the other is who’s going to be president in 2026. Alexei Navalny dies in a Russian prison. Donald Trump takes a break from campaigning and court dates to sell golden basketball shoes. Joe Biden mistakes the normal-sized, female Angela Merkel…
After getting slapped down by the Supreme Court, Biden keeps taking more steps to buy youth votes. Source: Biden Student Loan Relief: Desperate Politics | National Review
St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas has reinstated Dr. Johnson Varkey, a former adjunct professor, a year after he was fired for teaching standard principles about human biology and reproduction.
When the Supreme Court ruled recently that the federal government could remove razor wire on the border between Texas and Mexico that was put in place by the state of Texas, it set off a legal, political, and even theological debate about the federalism and border policy.
Actively listening to those with whom we disagree. Presenting and discussing beliefs respectfully. Equipping young people with the skills of listening and engaging respectfully.
By: Eric Niiler – – February 14, 2024 The shift reflects growing concern that efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions aren’t moving fast enough to prevent the destructive effects of heat waves, storms and floods made worse by climate change. Geoengineering isn’t a substitute for reducing emissions, according to scientists and business leaders involved in the projects. Rather, it…