Take Action

August 31, 2021

H.R.4, or the “John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act” has passed the House and is currently with the Senate. While the bill’s title sounds nice, it’s a dangerous piece of legislation that would require states to get federal permission before implementing a broad range of potential election reforms. Specifically, the Justice Department’s civil rights division, which is staffed with…

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July 8, 2021
Pelosi and Schumer

The so-called “Equality Act” (S.393) is an extremely dangerous bill that could undo religious liberty rights in America, and even harm non-religious Americans. It’s already passed the House. All it needs to pass the Senate is for every Democrat and 10 Republicans to vote “yes.” Here’s why we should continue to fight it. The Equality Act will make sexual orientation…

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November 4, 2020
A Biblical View on Voter Fraud

As the final votes are counted in the close states, we want you to have the booklet A Biblical View on Voter Fraud as a resource to understand the process and to keep an eye out for potential voter fraud. Use the form below to request your copy of Kerby’s booklet A Biblical View on Voter Fraud.

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