Dr. Jack Graham, Senior Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church joins Kerby in-studio to talk about his new book, “The Jesus Book.”

From our friends at Coral Ridge Ministries…. Are you prepared to cast a biblically informed vote this November? God requires it, so we’ll show you how to make a genuine difference — on this week’s “Truths That Transform.”
Sometimes building a biblical worldview is like putting together the pieces of a puzzle. Think of how frustrating it can be if you have pieces of your puzzle that are missing. That’s what Point of View does. We show how biblical truth impacts every area of life and helps you put all the pieces together to create a clear image….
Kerby Anderson talks with Will Ford and Matt Lockett about racial reconciliation. For more information and for the links mentioned please go to: pointofview.net/show/monday-january-20-2020/
It’s time the US left the World Health Organization (WHO). If you agree, contact your US representative today and ask them to support H.R.79, the WHO Withdrawal Act. Contact your US Representative.
This week, the host of Point of View joins First Liberty Live! to take a look at the past 50 years to see the changes in our country and how religious liberty has shifted. For more information and for the link mentioned please go to: firstlibertylive.com/50-year-perspective-of-religious-liberty/
Point of View is excited to partner with iVoterGuide to help as you seek the Lord on how you should vote. From the right to life and religious liberty to economic issues, border security, healthcare, and foreign policy, iVoterGuide cares about the issues that matter most to you. We also know that information on the issues isn’t always easy to…
Kerby welcomes guest Sheila Walsh, in-studio. She talks about her new book, “Praying Women“. For resources mentioned please visit: pointofview.net/show/tuesday-february-4-2020/
The vacancy on the Supreme Court presents a unique opportunity to defend our values in the culture. Justice Kennedy has been the swing vote on many decisions that have had a profound impact on religious liberty and moral values. President Trump has promised to nominate a new justice that will remain true to the constitution and represent America’s traditional values….
This video tells the story of a woman in Kansas who was ordered by the police to stop praying in her own home. Unless we defend it now, religious freedom in America could be lost forever. There is no organization that delivers as much in-depth information on the threats to religious liberty to as many people as Point of View….