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Difference Maker

You are the difference maker.

Your decision to give to Point of View has the power not only to make a one-time difference, but also to influence other decisions that can change the course of history.

Here’s how…

When you give to Point of View, you enable the program to reach even more Americans.

That means more people hear critical information they may never receive elsewhere — on a broader range of topics than on any other talk show!

Those new listeners will have access to the practical resources Point of View offers, equipping them to take action on real-life issues.

That means, because of your one decision to give today, hundreds of thousands of Americans will be inspired and empowered make a difference in their own lives, for instance…

…by starting Christian ministries and Christian schools, running for political office, defending the Constitution in the courtroom, or sharing the Truth with their friends and family.

These are all real testimonies that became possible because of supporters like you.

When you give, you do more than make a one-time difference. You are the difference maker that mobilizes the change America needs!