Penna Dexter A new study about the state of the family leads to an unexpected conclusion. Researchers Wendy Wang and Bradford Wilcox studied trends in progressive California because, they write, “California has been at the vanguard of family change in America.” The study is titled: “State of Contradiction: Progressive Family Culture, Traditional Family Structure in California.” Their surprising conclusion: California…
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Penna Dexter During the past decade or so, pro-life state legislators have been passing laws placing commonsense, often very modest, restrictions on abortion. It’s sad to see a lot of this progress wiped out when a different party comes into power. This is happening right now in the state of Virginia. The new democratic majority in Virginia’s house and senate…
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Penna Dexter A pro-life state law authored by a Louisiana Democrat is set to be heard at the United States Supreme Court on March 4th. In June Medical Services v. Gee, the abortion industry is challenging legislation requiring that any doctor performing abortions have admitting privileges at a hospital located within thirty miles of the facility at which those abortions…
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Penna Dexter As the new year began, USA Today published a piece by two respected scholars on marriage. Dr. Ryan Anderson of Heritage Foundation and Professor Robbie George of Princeton outline the erosion of marriage over the past decade. They start with Barack Obama’s affirmation that “marriage unites a man and woman.” They take their readers through activist court rulings…
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Penna Dexter A California law went into effect January 1 that hurts the very people it was supposed to “protect.” Assembly Bill 5 severely limits independent contracting by placing heavy restrictions on the amount of work freelancers can do before being considered full-time workers. The Daily Signal’s Jarrett Stepman explains that “The law was passed to reduce the negative impact…
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Penna Dexter Some bad ideas just keep coming back. And when they do, they’re often more dangerous than ever. One such proposal was the Equal Rights Amendment, which proponents claimed would protect women’s rights by prohibiting discrimination based on sex. Congress passed this amendment to the U.S. Constitution in 1972 and gave it seven years to achieve ratification by three-fourths of…
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Penna Dexter Progressive pastor Doug Pagitt recently wrote an article for THE HILL which he titled, “Evangelicals Are No Longer a Sure Bet for Trump.” This is wishful thinking on his part. A column in THE NEW YORKER sheds light on Pastor Pagitt’s efforts to attract Christian support for Democrat candidates. In her piece, “Teaching Democrats to Speak Evangelical”, Eliza…
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Penna Dexter The economic numbers are good and improving in America — a blessing for which we must be thankful. Let this not blind us to the fact that, as a nation, in many ways, we’re still headed in the wrong direction. We’re aborting 800,000 babies a year. We’re mainstreaming deviant sexuality. It’s difficult to stand for and live according…
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Penna Dexter At its Christmas party this year, the Texas Equal Access Fund, a non-profit that helps women pay for abortions, gave workers and volunteers candles that say: “Abortion is Magical.” It’s a strange message. Especially since Christmas is about birth — as Family Research Council points out — “the most unplanned pregnancy of all.” Still, it’s a reminder that,…
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Penna Dexter People looking to shop this year for the gender confused have options. Online fashion collections and even retail shops feature what’s being called gender-free clothing. Gender-free clothing has been out there, on runways and in fashion magazines, for years. I received an ad from a clothing company called Primary that gives kids a chance to choose from a…
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Penna Dexter Psychoanalyst Erica Komisar is a therapist to families and especially children in private practice in New York City. Her periodic columns for the Wall Street Journal on childrearing are treasures. I first noticed the one on why moms should prioritize being home with their babies for their first three years. This practical wisdom almost goes without saying. Some…
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