Mainstreaming Socialist Ideas

Penna Dexter The campaign season brought some alarming advocacy of socialist ideas. An organization called Democratic Socialists of America spawned candidates who brought a mix of progressive ideas to their primaries. Most DSA-endorsed candidates lost their primaries. But they got a hearing and pushed some others to the Left. Candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became a socialist poster child. She unseated a…

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A Failed War

Penna Dexter We often hear that the War on Poverty, launched during the administration of President Lyndon Johnson, hasn’t reduced poverty. It’s true that, since 1966, the first year that saw significant spending in the War on Poverty, the poverty rate as reported by the US Census Bureau hasn’t budged. It remains at about 14 percent of the population. During…

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Universal Basic Income

Penna Dexter A really bad idea is bubbling up from the left. It stems partly from the idea that Artificial Intelligence and the resulting automation of jobs, from driving to technology, will displace so many workers, we’ve just gotta do something. The Universal Basic Income has been floated by Barack Obama and certain Silicon Valley titans, among them Bill Gates,…

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Rebranding Planned Parenthood

Penna Dexter Cecile Richards stepped down last spring after more than a decade at the helm of Planned Parenthood. But she’s still speaking out for abortion rights. After the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, she urged pro-abortion activists to “stay angry” because “you will need all your anger now.” Under Ms. Richards, Planned Parenthood managed to hold on…

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Blaming Good Men

Penna Dexter There’s a particularly nasty battle tactic being deployed in the gender wars. Women are blaming good men, as a group, for the sins of bad actors. A recent op-ed in the Washington Post provides a disturbing example of this. Victoria Bissell Brown, a retired history professor from Grinnell College in Pennsylvania, wrote her piece in a tone that…

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Divorce Rate Dropping

Penna Dexter The divorce rate is falling in America. According to an analysis of US Census Bureau data, it fell 18 percent from 2008 to 2016. Even after controlling for factors such as an aging population, University of Maryland sociology professor Phillip Cohen found the drop was still 8 percent. Underneath this trend there’s both good and bad news. The…

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Weaponizing Sexual Accusations

Penna Dexter The loudest female voices regarding the allegations against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh were those denouncing senators’ support for him and demanding it be “justified” with more investigation. Less reported were the numerous women who called Senate offices in support of Kavanaugh and who were critical of what they saw as a political lynching that unfairly destroyed the…

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Condemning Little House

Penna Dexter This past summer, the American Library Association renamed its Laura Ingalls Wilder Award. The prize is now called the Children’s Literature Legacy Award. The ALA says Wilder’s body of work, is inconsistent with its “core values of inclusiveness, integrity and respect, and responsiveness.” At issue are three instances in which characters in Wilder’s beloved Little House on the…

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Transgender Teen Suicide

Penna Dexter New research reveals that the politically correct way we’re responding to teens who come out as transgender —  affirming that decision and “treating” them with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones — is not helping them. In fact it’s increasing their suffering and is dangerous. Even faced with this evidence, the Left won’t see it that way. The new…

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Family Leave Proposal

Penna Dexter Family leave that allows mothers to take time off work when a baby is born is a time-honored policy in America. More recently, Dads have been receiving leave too. But traditionally, it’s either unpaid or paid by a person’s employer as a benefit. Some companies offer very generous paid family leave. Sometimes employees save up vacation or other…

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Transgender Teen Study

Penna Dexter A Brown University researcher has published a study that attempts to answer the question: ‘Why are so many teenage girls showing up at gender clinics?’ There are signs a sort of social contagion may be at work. Lisa Littman, an OB-GYN and behavior and social sciences professor at Brown University, authored the study. She facilitated detailed questioning of…

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