Penna Dexter A survey recently released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveals that, over the past decade, the number of high-school-age teens who are engaging in sex has dropped dramatically with especially pronounced declines in the past two years. The report’s authors are particularly encouraged by the steep fall in the rate of sexual activity among…
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Penna Dexter Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger says there are two Trump presidencies that “exist in parallel universes.” One presidency, he writes, is “inhabited by Trump of Twitter.” He continues, “Much of the American population is appalled by Trump of Twitter who lives in a dark and deeply personal pool of feuds and fulminations.” This made for a chaotic…
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Penna Dexter We are at a moment in our history in which prayer during cabinet meetings is a bit disconcerting to many members of the media who cover the White House. “Unusual” and “striking,” even “creepy” were words reporters used to describe a recent moment of prayer about the passage of historic tax legislation. The president seemed to enjoy taunting…
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Penna Dexter Hollywood celebrities put on a special Christmas extravaganza last week to raise money. Their cause: Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider. I love culture warrior Gary Bauer’s take on this. He says, “If King Herod were alive today, he’d have a photo on his wall signed by Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood. In an attempt to…
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Penna Dexter States across the nation have been redirecting taxpayer dollars away from Planned Parenthood and toward health clinics that do not offer abortions. It’s time for the federal government to do the same. And the US Justice Department may now provide strong justification. Prompted by David Daleiden’s investigations into Planned Parenthood’s baby-parts-for-profits transactions, two congressional committees have been looking…
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Penna Dexter On the last day of November, the president and first lady switched on the 50-foot tall National Christmas tree to kick off another Christmas season in Washington D.C. The president took the opportunity to highlight a campaign promise — his promise that we’d be saying Merry Christmas again. And on that Thursday night, he said it. He told…
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Penna Dexter I was delighted recently by an interview the Wall Street Journal published with the husband-wife team behind the long-loved Babar the Elephant children’s books. Laurent de Brunhoff is 92 and says Babar’s Guide to Paris, published this year, is his last. As a kid, I loved the Babar books. Babar’s character was created by Jean de Brunhoff in…
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Penna Dexter The Left is attempting to force California pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortion services they don’t offer and find immoral. These centers exist to help women facing unplanned pregnancies understand they have life-affirming alternatives to abortion. Crisis pregnancy centers help young women who are often afraid and sometimes facing outside pressure to abort. Most of these centers are…
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Penna Dexter There’s a provision in both the House and the Senate tax reform plans that would eliminate one area of fundamental unfairness in our federal tax system. Currently, taxpayers who itemize deductions on their federal tax forms are allowed to deduct taxes paid to state and local governments from their taxable income. Sounds great, but it’s not fair. Right…
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Penna Dexter Currently, the House is considering the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. In order for tax cutting to work, we must boost economic growth. The president believes we can get the economy growing consistently at 3 percent per year by cutting the corporate tax rate. Opponents of such a cut complain that it would starve the government. They ignore the…
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Penna Dexter The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is revamping its strategic plan for the years ahead. It is taking steps to reverse the pro-abortion emphasis the previous administration placed on its work. Now the agency is emphasizing the sanctity of human life – from beginning to end. Here’s a quote from the new document: “HHS accomplishes its…
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