Penna Dexter A new report reveals that founders of the feminist movement unwittingly sowed the seeds for the current demand for transgender rights. The report, entitled Sex, Gender, and the Origin of the Culture Wars, was produced by Scott Yenor, Professor of political science at Boise State University. It gets to the root of the transgender movement. Professor Yenor describes…
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Penna Dexter The Harvey Weinstein story provides fresh evidence that Hollywood’s feminist values do not make a better world for women. The open secret that Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein has been getting away with harassing and assaulting, even raping women for three decades has now been exposed. This is a tale of intimidation of young women, payoffs, a conspiracy of…
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Penna Dexter There’s not an American who doesn’t decry the shocking Las Vegas murders. But we, as a nation, turn our backs on the torture of unborn babies. In recent days, the House of Representatives voted to curtail late-term abortions by passing the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. This law makes it a crime to perform most abortions after the…
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Penna Dexter The spectacles created on football fields as players kneel, sit or raise fists during the national anthem are the latest evidence of the Left’s success in undermining institutions and traditions that Americans once held dear. These grown men are unwitting pawns of the progressive left in pursuit of its anti-American agenda. The Left employs many tactics to undermine…
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Penna Dexter New national polling by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy shows that fathers have tremendous influence — more influence than mothers — over whether or not their daughters engage in premarital sex. This is an organization that assumes teens will have uncommitted sex and is all about promoting birth control to teens. Kudos to them…
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Penna Dexter U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy De Vos announced she’ll roll back an Obama-era guidance document that weakened due process rights of those accused of sexual assault on college campuses. Under this guidance, school, not law enforcement authorities, are tasked with determining an accused student’s guilt and punishment. Colleges and universities refusing to set up tribunals for this purpose…
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Penna Dexter Daily, we grieve over the bad news of hurricane devastation. Perhaps it’s time for some good news. Here’s some: The Washington Post’s Robert Samuelson writes: “The middle-class comeback may be the year’s most underreported story.” The 2008-2009 financial crisis and the ensuing recession hit America’s middle class hard. Many Americans lost jobs. Many lost homes through foreclosure. And…
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Penna Dexter I live in Texas. There’s a gaping wound in my state and nation. It needs care and prayer as it heals from Harvey’s devastation. Still we can be grateful for the lessons learned and applied well from another devastating Gulf storm, Hurricane Katrina. We learned to get ready. One can always hope a hurricane will weaken or change…
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Penna Dexter A three-judge panel from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that a school may ban a coach from praying silently, alone, on the field after a game. Coach Joe Kennedy served our country as a Marine. Upon retirement he went to work as a football coach for Bremerton High School in Washington State….
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Penna Dexter When protests turn violent, as in Charlottesville, Virginia, we need thoughtful answers. Radio host, Erick Erickson, operates the conservative website, Resurgent. There, in a post entitled, “What the Heck Is Happening in America?”, he writes that both the Left and Right “are trying to build moral responses” to the vacuum that is left as the West leaves God…
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Penna Dexter Columnist George Will writes frequently about how young adults can avoid winding up poor. He says, “First, get at least a high school diploma, then get a job, then get married, and only then have children.” In a recent column, he addresses the “success sequence,” which he says is “insurance against poverty.” A report published this summer, by…
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