Censoring Linus

Penna Dexter Some public education officials are conflicted this time of year. Oh it’s fine for educators to celebrate all the trappings of Christmas at school. Even to get a couple of weeks off because of it. But dare mention the real reason for the season, the birth of Jesus Christ, and you’re censored. That’s what happened to Dedra Shannon,…

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Defense Bill

Penna Dexter It looks like we’ll end the year with a final defense bill that provides more money for military and defense operations than requested by the administration. It’s normal, in December to find lawmakers working hard to get the National Defense Authorization Act, the NDAA, finalized and to the president’s desk. There are lots of pieces and parts to…

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Environmental Reset

Penna Dexter On November 7th a United Nations conference on climate change convened in Marrakesh, Morocco. It’s been the plan for years that this meeting would take place just three days after the Paris Climate Treaty went into force, thus hastening its implementation. Ninety-seven countries, accounting for approximately two thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions, have now ratified the treaty. The…

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Giving Thanks

Penna Dexter We’re officially in the holiday season. Christmas decorations are popping up, especially in the places where we shop. Lots of families, pressed for time, are already getting a jump on Christmas decorating. Not mine. I savor Thanksgiving. In my home the pumpkins and gourds, the oranges and golds dominate until Thanksgiving day is done. On that first Thanksgiving,…

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Restoring Religious Freedom

Penna Dexter During the recent campaign season, we heard a lot about how evangelicals are losing influence in politics. That will be true only if Christians fail to take advantage of what happened in the recent elections in which 81 percent of self-described evangelical voters pulled the lever for Donald Trump. Americans concerned about the growing number of government attacks…

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Keep The Republic

A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Without hesitation, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

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Sermon Notes Subpoenaed

Penna Dexter Throughout our nation’s history, citizens have been able, for the most part, to count on the government having our back as Christians. Recently though, we’re seeing a rise in blatant discrimination by government officials against Christians for expressing their faith. Shockingly, it’s even extending to pastors. In 2014, Anise Parker, the mayor of Houston, Texas, subpoenaed the sermons…

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Hillbilly Elegy

Penna Dexter An important book landed at #1 this summer on the non-fiction New York Times bestseller list. It’s currently #3. Its title is  Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Culture and Family in Crisis. This book is important right now because it helps us understand the lives of a people, a whole culture in Appalachia whose circumstances and problems…

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Obamacare Meltdown

Penna Dexter It would be nice if the current presidential campaign were more about issues and less about personalities. Then maybe we’d be hearing more from the campaign trail about the collapse of what was supposed to be healthcare reform under the Affordable Care Act, or ObamaCare. Former President Bill Clinton did bring up one aspect of this in a…

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Discouraging Desistance

Penna Dexter Walt Heyer is a former transgender who lived as a woman for eight years. He took hormones and had surgery. After returning to being a man, he wrote, “I wish the guy who approved me for gender surgery had told me about the risks.” He says medical professionals are too quick to prescribe hormone therapy and “irreversible reassignment…

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Military Transgender Training

Penna Dexter In June of this year, the U.S. Department of Defense lifted longstanding regulations preventing people who self-identify as transgender from serving. CNN reported that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter had been “studying the issue for nearly a year.”  Secretary Carter held a press conference at the Pentagon to announce the change which will mean, that in cases where…

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