Out of Wedlock Birthrates

By Penna Dexter In 1960 5.3 percent of all births in America were to unmarried women. In 2015 40.2 percent of births were out of wedlock. These facts are pretty persistent recently and — well — they’re just disturbing — and depressing. Among non-Hispanic blacks the out-of-wedlock birthrate is 70.4 percent. Hispanics had a 52.9 percent out-of-wedlock birthrate for 2015….

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Work Martyrs

by Penna Dexter I resonated with a column by Washington Post economic columnist Robert Samuelson about Americans’ love-hate relationship with vacation. He writes: “In theory we love it; in practice we often dread it.” He nails it when he says, “So much expectation is heaped in a few weeks of free time that disappointment, if not inevitable, is common. Worse,…

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Drafting Females

by Penna Dexter The United States Senate recently passed its annual defense policy bill by a vote of 83 to 13. Senator Ted Cruz worked with others in sponsoring and passing 12 amendments to the $602 billion 2017 National Defense Authorization Act. He says, “This bill includes many commendable provisions that make sure our military is strong and our men…

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Dads Regret Abortions

By Penna Dexter Sometimes Fathers Day hurts. Some dads face holes in their lives that their aborted children could fill right now. More than 55 million babies have been aborted in America since the Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. Every aborted child has two parents. Men are often seen to be peripheral to the abortion of children they fathered….

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Millennials’ Living Arrangements

By Penna Dexter There’s a new study out showing that, for the first time since 1880, young adults are more likely to live at home with mom and dad than in their own households with a spouse or romantic partner. Pew Research Center analyzed the census data and found that, in 2014, living with parents became the most common living…

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Braveheart Exit

By Penna Dexter It’s hard to overestimate the importance of family businesses in America today. A new book entitled The Braveheart Exit, helps business owners understand how they can operate their businesses in ways that serve to build a family legacy of faith and freedom and increase the likelihood that the business thrives in succeeding generations. You may be at…

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Defying the Directive

By Penna Dexter In the name of civil rights for transgenders, the White House wants men to feel free and comfortable walking into women’s restrooms. Disagreeing with that policy does not mean you’re against social justice for men who think they should be women. We should be more worried about stories like this one out of Chicago: Police there say…

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Campus Liberalism

by Penna Dexter Our nation’s drift to the left is becoming a strong undertow. It’s manifesting itself on the campaign trail. Just look at the popularity of candidate Bernie Sanders, especially among young people. Right now, there’s a lack of reasoned opposition to his socialist ideas with no candidate adequately defending capitalism or conservatism Gallop polling shows only 42% of…

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Shaming Christian Colleges

By Penna Dexter We’re hearing a lot lately about the need for educational institutions to comply with Title IX of the United States Education Code. This part of law, which dates back to 1972, prohibits discrimination based on sex. In order to receive federal funds of any sort schools must abide by it. Over the years colleges and universities have…

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Target Boycott

I’m not much of a boycotter. It’s hard to break entrenched shopping habits and I’m never sure how much it really accomplishes. But once in awhile a targeted (no pun intended) boycott is called for. The boycott of Target stores is such a case. Target recently announced that, in their stores, transgender individuals can use the bathroom of the gender…

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Infant Lives Hearing

By Penna Dexter Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee really did her homework in preparing for hearings before the committee she chairs: the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. This committee is looking into revelations that Planned Parenthood is likely profiting from the sale of the body parts of aborted babies, in violation of federal law. The Committee is also…

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