By Penna Dexter The Georgia state House and Senate recently passed the Free Exercise Protection Act which offered protections for clergy and faith-based employers to adhere to the tenets of their faith in what they do, and allow to be done, on their property. One state senator, William Ligon, explained in the Wall Street Journal that in light of the…
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Over the past seven years, in various documents, the White House has been replacing the words “freedom of religion” with a different phrase, “freedom of worship.” One of those documents is the test immigrants take to become U.S. citizens. In it, “freedom of worship” is listed as a basic constitutional right along with “freedom of speech.” There’s a difference between…
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If kids are with you right now, be warned, I’m going to talk about sex. Not graphically, but honestly. You may or may not want your youngsters to see this. I came across a story about my alma mater, the University of Southern California. A lot of people don’t know this, but USC is a private school. My parents preferred…
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The plight of a 6-year-old girl is causing a stir in Santa Clarita, a community outside Los Angeles. The state of California and LA County recently removed her from the home of a Christian family with whom she’s been living since she was two. The reason: Race. The little girl’s name is Alexandria; she goes by Lexi, Lexi Page. She…
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The United States Justice Department is considering taking on a new function: going after climate change deniers. Climate change deniers, or climate deniers, for short, are people (often scientists) and corporations who don’t buy into the theory of climate change, formerly known as global warming. It is true that the climate constantly changes, due entirely or almost entirely to natural…
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Pastor and author Max Lucado has written lately about decency as it relates to the presidential election. Decency is sort of a minimum demand we make on many of our relationships. Max Lucado writes of his three daughters and how he “reserved the right to interview their dates.” He’d want to know: Did the young man “behave in a decent…
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Not long ago, students at the University of Nebraska, Kearney were polled regarding their preference for a new fast food dining option for their student union. The majority’s overwhelming choice was Chick-fil-A. But a vocal group of students objected. It’s the same old rap on Chick-fil-A. Their CEO supports traditional marriage and the Queer Straight Alliance and others at this…
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For the first time in nearly three decades, the Supreme Court began its session without Justice Antoin Scalia. He will be sorely missed for many important reasons, including his consistent adherence to and strong articulation of the true role of the Court, not in enacting someone’s preference, but in carefully interpreting the law as it is written In 1973, seven…
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At a recent ceremony at United Nations headquarters, six new postage stamps were unveiled. They were created by UN artist Sergio Baradat and are meant to elevate homosexuality, transsexuality and gay parenting. The stamps are very colorful and done in a sort of geometric art deco style. One depicts a male couple embracing and kissing; another a female couple doing…
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I never thought I’d hear conservatives vying to show who is most supportive of registering young women for the draft. But it happened in a recent GOP presidential debate. The question was relevant because, recently, all restrictions against allowing women to be assigned to combat positions were lifted. Certain military leaders are talking about requiring women to sign up for…
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One thing that makes Israel such a wonderful destination for the Christian is that things the believer knows to be true are affirmed there and illustrated in sharp relief. You expect that to happen when you walk where Jesus walked and when you view with your own eyes the places described in both the Old and New Testaments. But Israel…
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