There’s a new type of law sweeping the nation: the SOGI law. SOGI stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. These laws, which are being enacted in localities and in states, create new protected classes based upon sexual orientation and gender identity. And they punish citizens who persist in treating people according to the scientific and orthodox position that maleness…
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Talk about New York values! New York City officials are now supposed to fine people for doing something called misgendering. Under a legal guidance set forth by the city’s Human Rights Commission, the city will now fine people $125,000 to $250,000 for addressing a transgender by the wrong pronoun or for refusing to let transgenders take advantage of single-sex facilities…
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A California teacher, who has logged 28 years in the profession, is waging a battle that could have a significant impact on public employee unions and First Amendment protections for teachers across the nation. The Supreme Court heard the case recently. The outcome could diminish the power of public-sector unions. Rebecca Freidrichs is a third grade teacher at Holder Elementary…
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At the beginning of a new year lots of us try to find something we can implement in our lives that makes it better. Or that makes us better. Some of the things in our lives that we think are keeping us from serving the Lord are actually ways we are serving the Lord. We just may not recognize them…
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In less than a month the country will begin the formal process of picking a president. The nation’s first state contest, the Iowa caucuses begin February 1. On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton holds a substantial lead in the polls there. But opponent Bernie Sanders continues to draw large crowds and raise lots of money. There’s much excitement on the…
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The Planned Parenthood Federation of America recently released an annual report covering its activities for 2014. The report indicates that 323,999 babies were aborted at Planned Parenthood clinics that year. This is down from 2013’s total: 327, 653. Jim Sedlak, vice president of American Life League and longtime critic of Planned Parenthood, says that is “the lowest number of annual…
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Sometimes it seems a little presumptuous to ask God’s blessing on this nation. We’re aborting more than a million babies a year. Same-sex marriage is legal across America and the federal government is forcing the mainstreaming of homosexual sin. The ability to live according to the tenets of our faith is under attack. Knowing all this, how do we approach…
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by Penna Dexter Presidential primary season is just around the corner — an opportunity for everyday Americans to influence who ultimately gets elected next November. Citizens can participate in their states’ primaries and caucuses to help choose the party’s nominee. Those who do this, and also those who make financial contributions to candidates, get a bigger say in who’s available…
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Since the shootings near a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs, those who oppose abortion are being told to tone down their so-called “hateful rhetoric.” Not that the shooting is the fault of pro-lifers, say the more polite among the pro-abortion Left. They say it’s the atmosphere created by accurate descriptions of abortion and its accompanying practices that probably contributed…
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This is the tale of two university presidents. First – at Yale – Peter Salovey responded to student mob demonstrations with efforts to make students feel more “valued” rather than “disrespected” and in “pain.” These students either have parents rich enough to pay the school’s $65,000-per-year tuition or are bright enough to benefit from the university’s massive endowment. But they’re…
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Let’s pause before the busy Christmas season to reflect on Thanksgiving. We think of the Pilgrims, who founded the Plymouth Colony, the first permanent settlement in New England. Of 103 Pilgrims who arrived there from England in 1620, 51 died the first winter. After the first harvest, Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of Thanksgiving and prayer. This is an…
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