Political Polls

Political polls are becoming less and less reliable. The closely-watched recent gubernatorial election in Kentucky provides the latest example. Incumbent Governor Jack Conway was leading Republican Matt Bevin 44% to 41% on October 30 in the average of polls compiled by Real Clear Politics. But 4 days later, on November 3rd, Bevin won 53% to 44%. Michael Barone is senior…

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Transgender Students

Two daycare workers at the Children’s Lighthouse Learning Center in Katy, Texas were fired recently for refusing to treat a six-year-old girl as a boy. One of the fired workers said that sometimes the little girl refers to herself as a boy and other times she tells classmates not to call her a boy and not to use her masculine…

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Two Child Policy

You’ve heard the news: China is fully abandoning its one-child-per-family birth policy. Now it’s a two-child-per family policy. The Wall Street Journal described China’s one-child policy as “the most notorious of the Communist Party’s intrusions into Chinese lives” and “one of the worst government intrusions on freedom in world history.” The new policy will still limit the number of children…

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Female Army Rangers

The United States military now has its third female Army Ranger. She’s Major Lisa Jaster, a 37-year old engineer, officer in the Army Reserve and mom of two. “A lot of doors can open for women if we go about it the right way,” she said in an interview posted on Facebook. “The right way,” she said, ‘includes being professional,…

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Equality Act

The Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell vs. Hodges, bringing same-sex marriage to the entire nation, is resulting in some serious legislative proposals. The Left’s efforts to mainstream the gay lifestyle have mostly been met with success. But there’s been some difficulty getting federal laws on the books to force acceptance and affirmation of homosexual behavior. Now, emboldened by the High…

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Oregon Martydom

One of the most shocking details from the recent shooting in Roseberg, Oregon was that the gunman reportedly singled out people who said they were Christian for fatal shots to the head. Turning Point Adventist Church sits a few miles from Roseberg’s Umpqua Community College, where a young man, who had earlier exhibited disdain for the Christian faith, took ten…

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Budgetary Restraint

There’s some budgetary progress taking place in Washington D.C. — if lawmakers don’t abort it. October 1 marked the beginning of a new fiscal year and, according to the Congressional Budget Office, the deficit for FYE 2015, which wrapped up September 30, is down considerably. At $500 billion it’s still outlandish, but a huge improvement over the trillion-dollar annual deficits…

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Funding Planned Parenthood

America has the chance to stop funding one of the major perpetrators of an ongoing humanitarian crisis. But we’re kicking the can down the road to December. The disturbing videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, which highlight Planned Parenthood’s abortion activity, and their side business selling baby parts, should have made defunding Planned Parenthood immediately a no brainer….

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Chaplain Modder

When sexual mores in a culture are relaxed, it’s not always just ‘live and let live.’ Sometimes sexual liberty runs right smack into religious liberty and battle lines form. Some of the preliminary outcomes of these battles are discouraging, so it’s great to report a victory in the case of a decorated Marine and Navy Chaplain and — really —…

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Poverty Fighting

Each year WORLD Magazine honors Christian poverty-and-exploitation-fighting organizations with its Hope Awards for Effective Compassion. The magazine divides the nation into four regions and names a winner in each, plus an international winner. All the winners are profiled in the magazine and readers are asked to vote. The overall winner receives $25,000 and the regional winners and runners up also…

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Kim Davis

A new chapter in the battle between the state and religious liberty has begun. Ground zero became a Rowan County, Kentucky jail County clerk, Kim Davis is not in any way seeking to stop same-sex marriages in her county. She simply doesn’t want to issue those licenses. To do so would make her a participant in that which her faith…

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