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Share Your Story

Over the years, we’ve heard some amazing stories from our listeners. Stories from people like Don Blythe who is on the front lines of the fight to protect life. His ministry has saved the lives of over 4,000 babies, rescuing them from abortion. He told us:

“For all these years of ‘in the trenches’ ministry I have really been thankful for the Point of View broadcast. They bring in the mentors that we need when we are out there in the harvest fields, wondering: ‘Well how do I say this? What do I say next? How do I do this?’

And Point of View has helped us get the tools necessary to take the message to the streets… Point of View has played a great role in my life and I consider Kerby Anderson one of my mentors from the air waves.”

Stories like these are very encouraging to us. And when we share them, they also encourage other listeners to get involved and take action.

Today, we want to hear your story! Please tell us how Point of View has impacted your life and what it has encouraged you to do. If we use your story to encourage others, we want to send you a BibleStick to express our thanks! This pocket-sized audio New Testament is sure to strengthen your faith.

Be sure to include your contact information so we can send you a BibleStick. You will also be included in a drawing for an iPad mini!