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left_flag Friday, January 1
Friday, January 1, 2021

During the 12:00-1:00pm (CST) hour, Kerby is going to teach about domestic abuse. Kerby’s guest today is author Robert Wolgemuth. Robert will share his new book with Kerby and with all of us. It’s, “Lies Men Believe.” And finally, Kerby welcomes Philip Yancey, bestselling writer of books on popular theology exploring universal human questions. He speaks on the updated “Fearfully and Wonderfully Made”, released 39 years ago. It’s now two books in one with, “The Marvel of Bearing God’s Image.” 

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Robert Wolgemuth Show Page
Robert Wolgemuth
Author | Speaker | Publisher - Wolgemuth & Associates, Inc.
Robert Wolgemuth has been in the media business for thirty-nine years. A former president of Thomas Nelson Publishers, he is the owner of Wolgemuth & Associates, Inc., a literary agency exclusively representing the writing work of more than one hundred authors.

Dr. Wolgemuth is a speaker and best-selling author of over twenty books. His books include, She Calls Me Daddy, the notes to the Dad’s Devotional Bible, The Most Important Place on Earth, and What’s in the Bible: The Story of God through Time and Eternity, co-written with R.C. Sproul. His other collaborative works include Men of the Bible, The Most Important Year in a Man’s Life, and She Still Calls Me Daddy.

Robert is known as a champion for the family, effective communication, leadership, listening skills, relationship building, and biblical truth.

Among his professional accomplishments, he has served two terms as the Chairman of the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association.

A 1969 graduate of Taylor University, from where he received an honorary doctorate in May 2005, Dr. Wolgemuth has two grown daughters, two sons-in-law, and five grandchildren.

Robert is married to Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth, who is also an accomplished author and speaker. Nancy and Robert live in Michigan.
Lies Men Believe: And the Truth that Sets Them Free
Like a seasoned angler, our enemy opens his tackle box and selects the lure most likely to attract his intended prey—usually the one you and I are least likely to consider harmful. Each lie we bite on causes us to feel pain, lose or injure relationships, and miss out on the abundant life that God wants us to have. Lies Men Believe exposes the lies that men most commonly believe, and shows you how to combat those lies with the truth.

Lies like:
Pleasure and Entertainment Can Truly Satisfy Me
If I Mean Well, That’s Good Enough
If I Discipline My Children, They’ll Rebel.
I’m Measured by How I Compare with Other Men.
Find out how lies are holding you back from freedom, joy, and intimacy with God and others. Discover the power of the truth. Because once you fully embrace the truth, nothing is ever the same.
Philip Yancey
Author | Speaker
Growing up in a strict, fundamentalist church in the southern USA, a young Philip Yancey tended to view God as “a scowling Supercop, searching for anyone who might be having a good time—in order to squash them.” Yancey jokes today about being “in recovery” from a toxic church. “Of course, there were good qualities too. If a neighbor’s house burned down, the congregation would rally around and show charity—if, that is, the house belonged to a white person. I grew up confused by the contradictions. We heard about love and grace, but I didn’t experience much. And we were taught that God answers prayers, miraculously, but my father died of polio just after my first birthday, despite many prayers for his healing.”
Fearfully and Wonderfully: The Marvel of Bearing God's Image
Discover this updated and combined edition of two bestselling books!

The human body holds endlessly fascinating secrets. The resilience of skin, the strength and structure of the bones, the dynamic balance of the muscles―your physical being is knit according to a pattern of stunning purpose. Now Gold Medallion winners Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and In His Image have been completely revised and updated to offer a new audience timeless reflections on the body. Join renowned leprosy surgeon Dr. Paul Brand and bestselling writer Philip Yancey on a remarkable journey through inner space―a spellbinding account of medical intervention, pain and healing, and the courage of humanity. Discover here the eternal truths revealed by our seemingly ordinary existence. The human body is a window into the very structure of God's creation and a testament to God's glory.




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