Join our host, Kerby Anderson, as he and his co-hosts bring us the Weekend Edition. Today’s robust panel includes Mike Berry from First Liberty Institute, Dr Merrill (Buddy) Matthews from IPI, and Liberty McArtor host of the Know Why Podcast. They will cover the topics that affect you.
It’s going to be a great show, so please plan accordingly. Call us at 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at with your opinion or comments.

As General Counsel for First Liberty Institute, Mr. Berry is responsible for leading all aspects of First Liberty’s legal operations. A recognized subject-matter expert, Mr. Berry has testified before Congress and he is routinely invited to speak across the nation about religious freedom. Mr. Berry has also been featured hundreds of times in various national media outlets.
Mr. Berry earned his bachelor’s degree from Texas A&M University, and he earned his law degree from The Ohio State University.

Dr. Matthews is a past president of the Health Economics Roundtable for the National Association for Business Economics, the largest trade association of business economists. Dr. Matthews also served for 10 years as the medical ethicist for the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center’s Institutional Review Board for Human Experimentation, and has contributed chapters to several books, including Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate and The 21st Century Health Care Leader and, in 2009, Stop Paying the Crooks (on Medicare fraud).
He has been published in numerous journals and newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal, Investor’s Business Daily, Barron’s, USA Today, Forbes magazine and the Washington Times. He was an award-winning political analyst for the USA Radio Network.
Dr. Matthews received his Ph.D. in Humanities from the University of Texas.

Liberty earned her bachelor’s degree in journalism from Patrick Henry College in northern Virginia. In the past she has worked as a part-time talk radio producer for WMAL in Washington, D.C., and as a staff writer for various nonprofit ministries.
Liberty lives in north Texas with her husband and their two children.