During the first hour of the show today, June Hunt, Founder and CSO of Hope for the Heart Ministries joins host, Kerby Anderson, in-studio to discuss sexual abuse. In the second hour we hear from David Limbaugh, conservative American political commentator and author to discuss his book, The True Jesus: Uncovering the Divinity of Christ in the Gospels. Kerby’s final guest is Dr. Diane Medved, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist and columnist for USA Today. Diane discusses her book, Don’t Divorce: Powerful Arguments for Saving and Revitalizing Your Marriage.

Limbaugh was born in Cape Girardeau, Mo., on Dec. 11, 1952. He attended Southeast Missouri State University from 1971 to 1972 and the University of Missouri for the next three years, where he graduated cum laude with a political science degree. He received his law degree from the University of Missouri Law School in 1978 and was on the Missouri Law Review. He served in the National Guard from 1972 to 1978.
After finishing school, Limbaugh taught business law at Southeast Missouri State from 1977 to 1978. He was admitted to the bar in 1978 and has practiced law for 30 years. He is a partner in the firm of Limbaugh, Russell, Payne and Howard.
Limbaugh was a member of the Cape Girardeau City Council for eight years, including six as mayor pro-tem. He also was a member of numerous other city boards and committees.
Since 1993, Limbaugh has been on the board of trustees of the Southeast Missouri Hospital and is on its executive committee. He also has been a member of the Committee for Research Involving Human Subjects at Southeast Missouri State University.
Since late 1998, Limbaugh has been writing a twice-weekly column for www.worldnetdaily.com, a political opinion Web site that receives more than a million hits a day. His writings also appear regularly in The Washington Times.
Limbaugh and his wife, Lisa, have two daughters, Christen and Courtney

Enough, says psychologist Diane Medved. If you're hurtling down the road to divorce, the first thing to do is to put on the brakes. Don't let your spouse, your friends, or the "divorce industry" rush you into ending your marriage. Take a deep breath and read this book. Drawing on three decades of clinical and personal experience, Dr. Medved will show why you should save—and revitalize—your marriage. She expertly unmasks the threats to marriage, including hookup apps that promise non-committal sex, and legions of professionals who are financially invested in your divorce. She punctures one-by-one the arguments in favor of divorce, proving that "the good divorce" is a myth.