Welcome to our Weekend Edition show. Today, Kerby is joined by Debbie Georgatos and Jeremy Dys. Together they will look at the top stories in the news and give you a biblical perspective. Want to weigh in on the conversation, give us a call at 800-351-1212.

Mr. Paxton said hosting a prayer doesn’t violate the Constitution, so the judge should be allowed to continue.
The Freedom from Religion Foundation is trying to get Justice of the Peace Judge Wayne Mack to stop the prayer practice, in a battle dating back three years.
Originally, Judge Mack would introduce the prayer and guest chaplain, but after the complaint he now has the bailiff introduce the prayer.
But Freedom from Religion says that still violates the Constitution’s Establishment Clause, preventing excessive entanglement between government and religion.

The Comey firing was clumsy and rude. Comey learned of it from FBI agents in Los Angeles who noticed reports of it on television monitors that they could see while he was speaking to them. The White House initially claimed Comey had been fired because of his poor judgment in the Hillary Clinton email investigation, in which he announced that she would not be indicted even though there was ample evidence to indict her and then reopened the case two weeks before Election Day even though there was no evidence to justify doing so.

But Trump’s ham-handed firing of FBI director James Comey, the White House’s misleading account of how and why Comey was ousted, and news that Trump personally asked Comey to drop the Flynn probe created enough of a cloud around the FBI investigation that deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein felt compelled to act. If Trump had intended to create the conditions for the appointment of a special counsel, he wouldn’t have acted any differently.

Donald Trump’s character — volatile, impulsive, often self-destructive — had not changed since the campaign. But it seemed as if the guardrails of our democracy — Congress, the courts, the states, the media, the Cabinet — were keeping things within bounds.
Then came the past 10 days. The country is now caught in the internal maelstrom that is the mind of Donald Trump. We are in the realm of the id. Chaos reigns. No guardrails can hold.
Normal activity disappears. North Korea’s launch of an alarming new missile and a problematic visit from the president of Turkey (locus of our most complicated and tortured allied relationship) barely evoke notice. Nothing can escape the black hole of a three-part presidential meltdown.