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left_flag Friday, October 18
Friday, October 18, 2019

Today our weekend edition has a guest host, Dr. Merrill Matthews at the mic! His co-hosts are First Liberty’s, Kelly Shackelford and Jeremy Dys. The panel will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America and our courts. In the first hour they will speak with Michael Sullivan about the Dennis Bonnen tape. And in the next hour they will speak with John Gans about the NSC & President Trump.

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Dr. Merrill Matthews
Resident Scholar - Institute for Policy Innovation

Merrill Matthews, Ph.D., is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, a research-based, public policy “think tank.” He is a health policy expert and weekly contributor at He also serves as Vice Chairman of the Texas Advisory Committee of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Dr. Matthews is a past president of the Health Economics Roundtable forRead More

Michael Sullivan Show Page
Michael Sullivan
CEO - Empower Texans
A fifth generation Texan, Michael Quinn Sullivan is the CEO of Empower Texans.
The Fort Worth Star Telegram said Sullivan “slays taxpayer dragons in Austin… When the heat is on in Austin, Michael Quinn Sullivan knows how to make it even hotter.” Texas Monthly dubbed him “the enforcer,” on their list of the 25 most influential Texans. The Dallas Morning News has called him the state’s most influential unelected Republican.
A former newspaper reporter, Capitol Hill staffer, think tank vice president and Eagle Scout, Sullivan is a graduate of Texas A&M University. He and his wife have three children.
John Gans Show Page
John Gans, PhD
Director of Communications and Research - University of Pennsylvania’s Global Policy Institute
John Gans, PhD, is the director of communications and research at Perry World House, the University of Pennsylvania’s global policy institute, and a Fellow at the German Marshall Fund. A former chief speechwriter at the Pentagon, he lives in Haddonfield, New Jersey.
Kelly Shackelford Show Page
Kelly Shackelford
President and CEO - First Liberty Institute
Mr. Shackelford is a constitutional scholar who has argued before the United States Supreme Court, testified before the U.S. House and Senate on constitutional issues, and has won three state landmark First Amendment and religious liberty cases in the past few years alone. He was recently named one of the 25 greatest Texas lawyers of the past quarter-century by Texas Lawyer, and is the recipient of the prestigious William Bentley Ball Award for Life and Religious Freedom Defense for his leadership and pioneering work protecting religious freedom.
Jeremy Dys Show Page
Jeremy Dys
Senior Counsel - First Liberty Institute
Mr. Dys graduated from Taylor University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Arts, cum laude, degree in Communication Studies while concentrating his minor study in U.S. History and Philosophy. During his undergraduate career, Dys also studied at the American Studies Program in Washington, D.C. where he interned with the late David Orgon Coolidge as part of the Marriage Law Project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center.
Texas Federal Judge Vacates “Transgender Mandate”
By: Mary Anne Pazanowski - - october 15, 2019 Christian health care professionals don’t have to perform transgender-related care that is contrary to their religious beliefs, a federal district court in Texas said, invalidating an Obamacare ...
Seal - US_Department_of_Justice - Attorney General
AG William Barr’s Religious Liberty Speech
By: Attorney General William P. Barr - - October 11, 2019 Remarks as prepared for delivery Thank you, Tom, for your kind introduction. Bill and Roger, it’s great to be with you. Thank you to the ...
Supreme Court building - sunset
SCOTUS and the Transgender Issue
By: Kelly Shackelford - - October 6, 2019 During its past two terms, the Supreme Court issued a number of notable decisions that appear to have begun the process of restoring the Constitution’s promise of ...
Jeremy & Kristy Morris Christmas Display
Appeal Filed for Idaho Family After Judge Overrules Jury Verdict on Christmas Display
By: First Liberty Institute - - May 6, 2019 irst Liberty Institute is appealing to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on behalf of Jeremy and Kristy Morris after a judge overruled a ...




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