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Friday, October 21, 2022

Our host today is our own Kerby Anderson. First up, Kerby welcomes back Jeremiah Johnston, President and Founder of Christian Thinkers Society. Unleashing Peace is Jeremiah’s new book! In the second hour, his guest is Rabbi Jason Sobel. The Rabbi will share his new book, “Mysteries of the Messiah.”

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Jeremiah Johnston Show Page
Jeremiah Johnston, PhD
President and Founder - Christian Thinkers Society
Dr. Jeremiah J. Johnston, Ph.D., is a New Testament scholar called to equip Christians to love God with all their hearts and minds.

As president of the Christian Thinkers Society and author/co-author of ten books, Jeremiah is passionate about resourcing believers to give intellectually informed reasons for what they believe. He speaks regularly and contributes to national publications and shows, including, Fox News, CNN, USA Today, Relevant, The Christian Post, and several other media outlets.

Jeremiah and his wife, Audrey, along with their five children, live in Texas.
Unleashing Peace: Experiencing God's Shalom in Your Pursuit of Happiness
God's peace, his shalom, can penetrate every aspect of your life--spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Although the word shalom appears 550 times in the Scriptures and was a constant theme in Jesus' teachings, it is a neglected topic today. As a result, God's peace has been elusive to so many followers of Jesus. This book charts a course of shalom for you!
Jason Sobel Show Page
Rabbi Jason Sobel
Founder - Fusion Global
Rabbi Jason Sobel is the founder of Fusion Global. This ministry seeks to bring people into the full inheritance of the faith by connecting treasures of “the old and the new.” Rabbi Jason’s voice is authentic, being raised in a Jewish home, and qualified by years of diligent academic work. His voice is prophetic-touched by the life of the Spirit. He has a radical testimony of his supernatural encounter with Yeshua-Jesus. This moment awakened him to his calling and destiny.

Rabbi Jason received his rabbinic ordination from the UMJC (Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations) in 2005. He has a B.A. in Jewish Studies (Moody) and an M.A. in Intercultural Studies (Southeastern Seminary). He is a sought-after speaker and has made multiple appearances on national television, including the Trinity Broadcasting Network, the Daystar Network, and the Dr. Oz Show. Rabbi Jason is the author of Breakthrough: Living a Life That Overflows, Finding Jesus in the Jewish Holidays, and he is also the co-author of New York Times bestseller The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi with Kathie Lee Gifford.
Mysteries of the Messiah Study Guide: Unveiling Divine Connections from Genesis to Today
Highlighting connections that have been hidden from non-Jewish eyes, Rabbi Jason Sobel pulls back the curtain to shed God’s light on the holy scriptures.

Most people do not understand how the Bible fits together—even people of faith. Too many Christians accept half an inheritance in that they are content to embrace merely the New Testament. On the flip side, Jews often experience this by embracing only the Old Testament. But God has an intricate plan and purpose for both.

In Mysteries of the Messiah, Rabbi Jason Sobel, raised in a Jewish home in New Jersey but now a follower of Yeshua, pulls back the curtain to show the many connections in Scripture hidden in plain sight. Known for his emphatic declaration “but there’s more!” he guides readers from the story of creation through Revelation to see the passion and purpose of the Messiah, the Torah, and several of the patriarchs and prophets.

God’s Word, written by many people over thousands of years, is not a random selection of people and stories, but they have intricate connections. Rabbi Jason connects the dots for readers, helping them see with clarity what God intended.
I Choose Peace: How to Quiet Your Heart in an Anxious World
Our lives are fraught with anxiety. Conflict in our relationships, fears about the future, information overload, financial pressure, lack of contentment--all of them can steal our joy because they steal our peace. Through Christ we are promised peace, but how can we feel peace when we live in a world of chaos?

Because, says Chip Ingram, peace isn't a feeling; it's a choice.
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Belief That Democracy is Failing is not a New Thing
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