The show today is hosted by Kerby and Jerry Tuma, founder and president of Cornerstone Financial Services . Together they will discuss issues relating to finance and economics.
Later in the show we hear from Congressman Louie Gohmert , talks about foreign policy and the economy.
Disclaimer: Jerry Tuma is founder and president of Cornerstone Financial Services, a state Registered Investment Advisory firm in Dallas, Texas. Material on this program is intended for general information only and should not be taken as specific investment, tax or legal advice.
Education: As a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington (BBA, 1979), Jerry studied under one of the nation's top economic forecasters, a disciple of Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman.
Organizations: A founding member of Kingdom Advisors, Jerry has been a vital part of this nationwide Christian Financial planning organization. Jerry also sits on the board of Heritage Alliance, a non-profit organization designed to return America, through the political process to its Godly roots and General’s International a global prayer and reformation network.