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left_flag Wednesday, January 18
January 18, 2017

First hour of the show today, Kerby chats with author and host of Stand for the Truth Radio. He tells us about his book, The Death of Christian Thought: The Deception of Humanism and How to Protect Yourself.

In the second hour Kerby welcomes author and president of Houston Baptist University, Robert Sloan. They will chat about worldview and apologetics that he has developed at Houston Baptist University as well as his book, Hamelin Stoop: The Eagle, the Cave, and the Footbridge.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Michael LeMay
Author | Radio Host
Mike LeMay is General Manager of WORQ Christian Radio in Wisconsin, and host of a daily Christian talk show, Stand Up For the Truth. Along with a group of Christian men, Mike has studied what the Bible teaches about thought processes and taking our thoughts captive (2 Corinthians 10:5 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] ), along with what medical science is now discovering about how the brain works.

Mike has met with hundreds of Christians over the past 14 years, learning and sharing about the challenges of living the Christian life. He discovered that while most Christians know what the Bible teaches about our thoughts, that most Christians didn’t know how God designed our brains, heart and conscience to actually take our thoughts captive in obedience to God. His book “The Death of Christian Thought: The Deception of Humanism and how to Protect Yourself” looks at how humanism has infiltrated secular and Christian communities, seeking to indoctrinate people away from a rational thought process. This has led to many professing Christians living defeated lives and ineffective in sharing the gospel and making disciples.

Mike has been married to Nancy since 1995 and has two adult children, Matthew and Andrea. He is committed to helping Christians understand the biblical teachings on our thought processes so believers can live a life of joy and experience excellent fellowship in marriages and churches.
The Death of Christian Thought: The Deception of Humanism and How to Protect Yourself
We are being lied to and many professing Christians are buying the lies. Your eternal soul may be at stake. The Bible foretells a great deception and falling away from the faith in the latter days where absolute truth is discounted and moral relativism is elevated: Humanism!

The clever deception of Humanism has completely taken over government, media and public education, and has infiltrated the visible church so strongly that many churches differ little in their beliefs and teachings from the humanist views of the world.

This book will open your eyes to the rampant deception around us and help you correctly interpret the Word of God so you can stand strong in your faith to the end. It will help you open the eyes of family and friends who fall for the deception of Humanism, and point them to the eternal hope of Jesus Christ. It will teach you how to take your thoughts captive in obedience to Christ and live a life of joy, peace and obedience to God.

You will see how God designed our brain, heart and conscience to work, and how the truth of the Bible and the Holy Spirit can help you live a life of joy and peace as the world continues to spin out of control.
Dr. Robert Sloan
Author | President - Houston Baptist University
Robert B. Sloan is known for his leadership in higher education, public speaking and non-fiction writings. He has spoken and written about topics both popular and technical. Some are very practical such as family, parenting, and leadership. Other topics are informational and technical about theology and history. He has been a professor, minister, Little League coach, small business owner, school board trustee and chairman, chairman of the board of an NYSE company, and a university president for over 20 years.

He has just finished his first fiction piece --something he had always wanted to do-- after working on it for 12 years. It is a young adult fantasy and involves dynamic characters, strange new worlds, adventure, magic, and of course, a battle between good and evil.

Robert is a native Texan, but has enjoyed living in New Jersey, England, and Germany while finishing his doctorate in Switzerland. He is married to his college sweetheart, Sue, and they have seven married children and 20 grandchildren, nine and under. They enjoy large family gatherings, which include good food and lively conversation, games, and storytelling.
Hamelin Stoop: The Eagle, the Cave, and the Footbridge
Afraid of being caught by trackers from another world, a young mother abandons her baby boy in a tomato box inside the screened porch of a children's home. The staff at the orphanage name him Hamelin Stoop, but he grows up longing to learn his real name, find his parents, and thus discover his true identity. Life is not easy for Hamelin. He belongs to everyone, though in some ways to no one fully. And the people he is closest to leave him one by one. A letter from an older friend advises Hamelin to "keep waiting and keep hoping." Bitter experiences force Hamelin to wait, but he has to learn how to hope. When the children's home forgets his eighth birthday, he sneaks away at night. He soon discovers that he isn't just running away -- he is being summoned by the Ancient One. Guided by the Great Eagle through a mysterious cave, Hamelin must pass a dangerous test of courage before he can find his parents. Hamelin's failures, fears, and hopes become part of a larger story, a story of a great struggle between worlds and kingdoms where the old myths of magic, evil contracts, and enslaved children turn out to be real
Video: Acid-attack plot for Trump inauguration
An undercover video of leftists meeting in Washington, D.C., has exposed a well-advanced plot to use foul-smelling butyric acid to disrupt this week’s “Deploraball” event in honor of Donald Trump’s inauguration.

The video released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas showed the rabidly anti-Trump coalition already had scouted the National Press Building, and members were confident they could release acid there “with no negative consequences for our side, nor any collateral damage.”

The video exposing the plot includes statements from several members of the group DC Anti-fascist Coalition, which is allied with other far-left groups plotting to prevent Trump’s inauguration as president.

Project Veritas said the group plotted to deploy butyric acid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for Thursday.




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