First up on the show we hear from Martin Mawyer, founder of Christian Action Network (CAN). He tells us about the Dept. of Education funding Islamic education in public schools.
In the second hour Dr. Don Bierle, president Emeritus of FaithSearch International discusses his book, Surprised by Faith: A Skeptic Discovers More to Life than What We Can See, Touch, and Measure

Under Mawyer’s leadership, CAN has grown to over 150,000 members. He has written four books, directed three documentary films and has appeared on the top television and radio programs in the country, including Larry King Live, The O’Reilly Factor, The Hannity Show, NBC’s Today Show, Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, and Entertainment Tonight.
His four books include: Silent Shame: The Shocking Story of Child Sexual Abuse in America; Pathways to Success: First Steps for Becoming a Christian in Action; Defending the American Family; and his most recent book, Twilight in America: The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America.
Mawyer has been married 40 years to his wife, Bonnie. Together they have four children and four grandchildren.

The Christian Action Network sent a letter demanding DOE “cease its Islamic education program for the nation’s public schools,” according to a report by CBN News.
CAN claims students and teachers are being encouraged to promote Islamic beliefs through the LearningMedia website, a site operated by the Public Broadcasting Service that provides free learning materials to students and teachers. PBS is supported by donors and taxpayers.
“Much of this so-called educational material is nothing more than indoctrinating students into Islamic religious beliefs, duties and actions,” said Martin Mawyer, president of CAN.

As an educator and academic dean, Dr. Bierle has been active for thirty years teaching biology, Bible, and worldview subjects in the college classroom. He has conducted training around the world, in places such as the Marshall Islands in the south Pacific, Amsterdam, Nepal, the Philippines, and throughout India. He has published several articles in scientific journals, is the author of Surprised by Faith (see below) and several other books and DVDs on practical apologetics. He specializes in evidential evangelism.
Dr. Bierle has an unusual ability to analyze technical, scientific, and theological subjects, and to communicate them in a clear, original, and fascinating way. Most presentations include professional PowerPoint® animation.