Today on Point of View Dr. Alex McFarland, author, radio host and evangelist joins us to discuss his book, Abandoned Faith: Why Millennials Are Walking Away and How You Can Lead Them Home.
In the second hour The Stream’s associate editor Nancy Flory joins us to talk about how students are being indoctrinated by the liberal agenda in the public education system.

If past is prologue, expect to hear a lot about the supposed “consensus” on catastrophic climate change this week. The purpose of this claim is to shut up skeptical non-scientists.
How should non-scientists respond when told about this consensus? We can’t all study climate science. But since politics often masquerades as science, we need a way to tell one from the other.
“Consensus,” according to Merriam-Webster, means both “general agreement” and “group solidarity in sentiment and belief.” That sums up the problem. Is this consensus based on solid evidence and sound logic, or social pressure and groupthink?