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left_flag Monday, April 26
Monday, April 26, 2021

During today’s show Kerby talks with Collin Hansen, vice-president and editor-in-chief for The Gospel Coalition. They will be talking about Collin’s new book: Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious AgeIn the second hour, Kerby will bring us an update from the weekend and share biblical insight on the trends for the future. Topics include the federal push to put Critical Race Theory in every school, universities eliminating their sports programs, and the lefts attempt to fact check SC Senator Tim Scott.

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Collin Hansen Show Page
Collin Hansen
Author | Vice-President of Content | Editor-in-Chief - The Gospel Coalition
Collin Hansen is vice-president of content and editor-in-chief for The Gospel Coalition, one of the most-read Christian websites in the world, and host of the acclaimed Gospelbound podcast. He travels the world promoting gospel-centered ministry for the next generation. He has been interviewed in media outlets such as NewsMax, Christianity Today, and ABC News, and has written for The Washington Post. He lives in Birmingham, Alabama with his family.
Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age
In Gospelbound, Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zylstra counter growing fears with a robust message of resolute hope for anyone hungry for good news.

Join them in exploring profound stories of Christians who are quietly changing the world in the name of Jesus—from the wild world of digital media to the stories of ancient saints and unsung contemporary activists on the frontiers of justice and mercy.

Discover how, in these dark times, the light of Jesus shines even brighter. You haven’t heard the whole story. And that’s good news.
VP Harris & Sec Cardona on CRT
Critical Race Theory in Every School
The woke revolution in the classroom is about to go federal. In an early but revelatory move, President Joe Biden’s Department of Education has signaled its intent to impose the most radical forms of Critical ...
hoover tower at-stanford
Universities Eliminating Sports
A growing number of college administrators are trying to convince students, alumni, and donors that the time has come to eliminate college sports.
Rep Senator Tim Scott (SC)
Fact Check on Senator Tim Scott
The Washington Post's Glenn Kessler said Sen. Tim Scott's family was actually privileged to own the land they picked cotton on instead of sharecropping.




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