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Monday, April 8, 2019
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Guest-Host Penna Dexter speaks with Jonathan Saenz from Texas Values with news from Texas politics. Penna’s next guest is Elizabeth Johnston, the activist mommy, will tell her story and share her latest book, Not On My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith and Freedom.

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter
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Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Jonathan Saenz
Jonathan Saenz
President - Texas Values
Jonathan M. Saenz, Esq., is the President of Texas Values, a nonprofit group dedicated to preserving and advancing a culture of family values in the state of Texas.

Prior to leading Texas Values, Jonathan headed the Liberty Institute offices at the Texas Capitol in Austin where he served as Director of Legislative Affairs and Attorney for Liberty Institute. Jonathan believes in religious liberty, sanctity of human life, family values, and constitutional rights, and has been involved in numerous court cases, including cases before the Texas Supreme Court and the United State Supreme Court. Jonathan has been featured in local, national and international media such as Fox News, CNN, USA Radio, Austin-American Statesman, Dallas Morning News, and Houston Chronicle among many others and is a sought after speaker for important events.

Mr. Saenz received his law degree from the University of Houston Law Center where he was honored as a Public Interest Law Fellow. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Jonathan is a native Texan (5th generation) who grew up in Houston, Texas and is a proud American. He and his family live in Buda and are members of Santa Cruz Catholic Church.
Elizabeth Johnston Show Page
Elizabeth Johnston
Vlogger | Speaker | Author - Activist Mommy
Elizabeth Johnston aka the Activist Mommy is an activist vlogger who educates and inspires the public on the burning social and moral issues of the day that are important to families. She and her husband, Patrick, who is a medical doctor, author, and movie producer, have been pro-life ministry leaders for many years and home educators to their ten beautiful children. The growing threat to America's children and the vicious attack on religious liberty is what dynamited Elizabeth out of her comfort zone to inspire a nation of belittled conservatives and Christians to "come out of their closets" and boldly take their country back. Elizabeth daily triggers the Left by confronting the lies of abortion, feminism, Islam, and the homosexual agenda with wit and snark as only she can, and she regularly posts viral commentary videos, which have netted over 70 million views. Elizabeth has been featured on many major media outlets, such as Fox & Friends, the New York Times, TheBlaze and the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), as she has become a thought leader on topics of importance to families. The pulse behind all her activism and cultural commentary is her love for her family and her Savior, Jesus Christ.
Not on My Watch: How to Win the Fight for Family, Faith, and Freedom
News headlines point to a world that has gone stark raving mad. Right is wrong, and wrong is right. Religious liberty is under attack. Gender identity and fluidity is not only accepted but encouraged. Same-sex marriage is embraced by many churches. Deviant sexual practices are taught in schools. Feminists march for freedom except when it relates to the 60 million babies aborted since Roe v. Wade. No more! cries Elizabeth Johnston aka the Activist Mommy, social media sensation with over 70 million video views. Johnston courageously defends the timeless truths of God's word and inspires and encourages other Christians to unite in winning this war for our children, our morals, our freedom, and our culture.
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