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left_flag Monday, August 12
Monday, August 12, 2024

Point of View’s host today is our own Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Ted Turnau. Dr. Turnau brings us his newest book, Popologetics. Kerby’s other guest is Middle-East expert Ken Timmerman. Ken will share insight into the recent deaths in Tehran.

Two exceptional guests! Please plan to listen! And, please call us with your opinion or questions at 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Ted Turnau Show Page
Ted Turnau MDiv, PhD
Author | Speaker | Chair of Arts, Culture, and Literature - Anglo-American University in Prague
Ted Turnau (M.Div., Ph.D., Westminster Theological Seminary) serves as Chair of Arts, Culture, and Literature at Anglo-American University in Prague, Czech Republic. He teaches classes on culture, media, social theory, and religion. He speaks widely (mostly in the U.K.) on culture, media, and Christian cultural engagement. His books include: Popologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective (P&R, 2012), The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage their World for Christ (co-authored with E. Stephen Burnett and Jared Moore), and most recently, Oasis of Imagination: Engaging Our World through a Better Creativity and Imagination Manifesto: A Call to Plant Oases of the Imagination (co-authored with Ruth Naomi Floyd). Ted has three adult children, one wife, and four cats. He enjoys jazz, film of all sorts, Japanese popular culture (especially anime, kaiju, and samurai films), F1 racing, and occasionally, American football.
Book Cover - Popologetics
Pop-ologetics: Popular Culture in Christian Perspective
It's everywhere . . . all around us . . . so widespread it's like part of the air we breathe. Some people love it, some people hate it, and some just try to shrug it off or pretend it's not there. But, like it or not, notice it or not, popular culture plays a huge role in our day-to-day lives, often influencing the way we think and see the world.

Learn how to approach popular culture wisely, separating its gems of grace from its temptations toward idolatry, and practice some popologetics to be an influence of your own.
Ken Timmerman Show Page
Ken Timmerman
Investigative Reporter | War Correspondent | Speaker | Author - President and CEO of Foundation for Democracy in Iran
Kenneth R. Timmerman has published fourteen books of non-fiction and four novels. The first volume of his memoire, And the Rest is History: Tales of Hostages, Arms Dealers, Dirty Tricks, and Spies, chronicles his adventures as a war correspondent in the Middle East and years of investigating the deep state. It also tells the story of being born again to his Christian faith while held hostage by terrorists in Beirut. In January 2006 he was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by former Swedish deputy premier, Per Ahlmark, for his work exposing Iran's clandestine nuclear weapons programs. Ken was the Republican nominee for Congress in Maryland's 8th Congressional District in 2012, an experience which provided source material for his August 2020 fiction, The Election Heist. His 2019 novel, Isis Begins, grew out of many mission trips to northern Iraq, where he reported on the plight of persecuted Christians. The second volume of his memoir, The Iran House, chronicles his undercover work for U.S. intelligence agencies and much more. He and his wife Christina have five children and six grandchildren, and live in Florida.
FDI Logo
FDI - Foundation for Democracy in Iran
The Foundation for Democracy in Iran is a private, non-profit organization established in 1995 with grants from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), to promote democracy and internationally-recognized standards of human rights in Iran
Iranian government guest house
Death in Tehran
By: Kenneth R. Timmerman - - August 2, 2024 The leaders of most of Iran’s terror proxies showed up in Tehran on Tuesday to kiss the ring of the new president, IRGC officer Masoud ...
VP Kamala Harris points GRINS during campaign appearance
Choose Your Own Kamala
By: Kimberley A. Strassel - - August 8, 2024 She’s been compared to John Kerry, but he was a relatively honest flip-flopper. As in those 1980s sensations, readers have been provided the basic plotline—and ...
graphic - people hands raised to the cross
We Dare Not Squander This Moment
The only hope for America is a sweeping national revival that turns into a powerful cultural awakening. We are living at a critical moment in American history. How we respond today will go a long ...




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