Kay Bennett is Kerby Anderson’s first guest. She is a Doctor of Ministry and is the Executive Director of Baptist Friendship House. She will be sharing how the church can learn from what God is doing in New Orleans!
Joining Kerby next is Peter Schweizer. He is President of the Government Accountability Institute and a best selling author. Peter will talk to Kerby about it and about insider trading.
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He is a partner in the Washington, D.C. firm Oval Office Writers which provides speechwriting and communications services for corporate executives and political figures.
He has also served as a member of the Ultraterrorism Study Group at the U.S. government’s Sandia National Laboratory and is a former consultant to NBC News.
His books have been translated into eleven languages and include several New York Times or Washington Post bestsellers. He has written academic books, articles, fiction, and non-fiction.
Peter received his M.Phil. from Oxford University and his B.A. from George Washington University. He lives in Tallahassee, Florida with his wife, Rhonda, and his children.