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left_flag Monday, August 2
Monday, August 2, 2021

Our own Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. He’ll will speak about topics from today’s headlines. Then he welcomes Chip Ingram. Chip brings us his latest book, “I Choose Peace” releasing tomorrow. Kerby’s other guest is Darrell Angle. Dr. Angle will be discussing his new book, “Embryo Wars.”

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Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Chip Ingram Show Page
Chip Ingram
CEO | Teaching Pastor - Living on the Edge
Chip Ingram is the teaching pastor and CEO of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. A pastor for over thirty years, Chip is the author of many books, including Holy Ambition, Discover Your True Self, True Spirituality, The Real God, and The Invisible War. Chip and his wife, Theresa, have four grown children and twelve grandchildren and live in California.
I Choose Peace: How to Quiet Your Heart in an Anxious World
Our lives are fraught with anxiety. Conflict in our relationships, fears about the future, information overload, financial pressure, lack of contentment--all of them can steal our joy because they steal our peace. Through Christ we are promised peace, but how can we feel peace when we live in a world of chaos?

Because, says Chip Ingram, peace isn't a feeling; it's a choice.
Dr. Darrell Angle
Friends of over forty years describe the author as “authentic, principled, humble, structured, empathetic, and accomplished. Dr. Angle has been a college athlete, university professor, pilot, scuba and sky diver, professional speaker, Iron Man triathlete, president of multiple non-profits and creator of 9000 smiles in a 38 year career. With his first book, Dr. Angle appreciatively arrives at a simple centered place. “I do my best to live Micah 6:8. I am honored to be a man of God and husband to Karen, the most beautiful soul on this earth. My writings offer novel perspectives on the contemporary human condition from the side of the prism rarely viewed. This is the view that combines reality, revelation and hope.”
Embryo Wars
What happens when medical technology, moral values, the legal system, religion, psychopathology, human life, and human rights all collide at the same crossing?

As a series of events unfolded, Dr. Darrell Angle stood in the epicenter of this cataclysm, the first man in US legal history to fight for his human embryos to be given the opportunity to live on this planet. Once the unwitting participant in the unimaginable saga, now he is the willing warrior to affirm the immeasurable value of human life.

This is his real singular story. It opens a menagerie of tangential, soul-searching questions for our culture, medical science, religion, law, and ethics. Come along this journey if you are willing to test your bedrock beliefs on the value of human existence in our world.
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Young People Are Not Returning to Church
A famous movie phrase is: “If you build it, they will come.” But Christians have built over 350,000 churches but there isn’t much evidence that millions in the emerging generations will come back to church.
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Left Used COVID to Bankrupt the US
What is apparent with each passing week is that the virus has been the springboard for the left's agenda to transform America.
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Censorship and Big Tech
By: Philip Hamburger & Clare Morell - - July 31, 2021 Does the Constitution require Americans to accept Big Tech censorship? The claim is counterintuitive but the logic is clear: If you submit a letter to this newspaper, ...



  • Clarity in Chaos