Today’s show will have Michael Flannery, professor emeritus of University of Alabama at Birmingham Libraries, talking with Kerby about his book, “Nature’s Prophet.” Then, Dr. Gary Frazier, author and speaker on Bible prophecy, joining Kerby in-studio to discuss his newest book, “Deceivers: Exposing Evil Seducers & Their Last Days Deception.”
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Author Michael A. Flannery provides a cogent and lucid account of a crucial—and often under appreciated—element of Wallace’s evolutionary worldview. As co-discoverer, with Charles Darwin, of the theory of natural selection, Wallace willingly took a backseat to the well-bred, better known scientist. Whereas Darwin held fast to his first published scientific explanations for the development of life on earth, Wallace continued to modify his thinking, refining his argument toward a more controversial metaphysical view which placed him within the highly charged intersection of biology and religion.
Flannery shows Wallace’s reconsideration of the argument for design yields a more nuanced version of creative and purposeful theistic evolution and represents one of the most innovative contributions of its kind in the Victorian and Edwardian eras, profoundly influencing a later generation of scientists and intellectuals.

Jesus foretold of this time as He answered His disciples’ question: What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age? Bible prophecy experts present analysis of today’s issues and events in Deceivers, revealing that Christ’s prophecy is literally unfolding before us today.
A collection of 12 leading experts.
Discover false prophets hiding behind the thin veneer of religious half-truths
Unveil the globalist agenda behind diplomatic, judicial, and political hypocrisy
Go behind misleading headlines and entertainment illusions to discern the truth.