Our first guest on the show today is author, Robert A. White who tells us that American culture has convinced itself marijuana is harmless or that the health risks are worth the benefit of the therapy (or the high). Yet more and more evidence is mounting that marijuana is dangerous, especially for the young. In Going to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalization is Harming America, White argues that marijuana legalization will be detrimental to our country.
In the second hour, Dr. Art Lindsley vice president of Theological Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics joins us to chat about his book, For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty.

Marijuana, once considered worthy of condemnation, has in recent years become a "medicine," legalized fully in four states, with others expected to follow. But the dangers are clear. According to Bennett's research, more Americans are admitted to treatment facilities for marijuana use than for any other illegal drug. Studies have shown a link between marijuana use and abnormal brain structure and development. From William Bennett comes a call-to-action for the 46 states that know better than to support full legalization, and a voice of reason for millions who have jumped on the legalization bandwagon because they haven't had access to the facts.