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left_flag Monday, August 31
Monday, August 31, 2020

Welcome to today’s show.  Kerby leads us through a review of the weekend and updates for the coming weeks. He welcomes Eric Bargerhuff. Dr. Bargerhuff brings us his latest book, “Why Is That in the Bible?” His next guest is Gerard Robinson, Vice President for Education at the Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia. They will discuss Gerard’s USA Today op-ed on policing and the black communities. And finally, we hear from Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Washington, DC. He discusses his new book: “A Manifesto.

We will also take your calls, so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212. Or you can ask a question or make a statement on Facebook.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Eric Bargerhuff Show Page
Eric J. Bargerhuff, Ph.D
Associate Dean | Professor | Director | Author - Trinity College of Florida
Eric J. Bargerhuff, PhD, teaches in the Bible and Theology department and directs the Honors Program at Trinity College of Florida. He served in pastoral ministry for more than twenty years in churches in Ohio, Illinois, and Florida. He received his doctorate in biblical and systematic theology from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Eric's passion is to write systematic and practical theology for the purposes of spiritual growth and reform in the church. He is a member of the Center for Pastor Theologians (CPT) and the Evangelical Theological Society (ETS).

Eric is the author of several books. He and his family live in Trinity, Florida.
Why Is That in the Bible?
Providing fascinating historical and scriptural insights, Eric J. Bargerhuff demystifies 40 Bible verses and stories. Ranging from strange accounts, such as bears mauling 42 boys (2 Kings 2), to hard-to-accept statements, such as Jesus saying we must hate our families to be his disciples (Luke 14), you will learn the context of each passage and how it applies to us today. This book will help you be more confident about interpreting all of God's Word accurately.
Gerard Robinson Show Page
Gerard Robinson
Vice President for Education - Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation
is Vice President for Education at the Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia. The Foundation is a nonprofit organization that finances and utilizes basic and applied research produced at the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia. Robinson has often advanced ideas in the public marketplace, having coedited many works. His is published and quoted in many national media outlets. He also cohosts The learning Curve Podcast.
Robinson earned an EdM from Harvard University, a BA from Howard University, and an AA from El Camino Community College. He is married and has three daughters.
Police in Riot Gear
Better Policing
American novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald remarked, “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” For poor, ...
Harry Jackson Show Page
Harry R. Jackson Jr.
Senior Pastor of Hope Christian Church - Co-Founder of The Reconciled Church Initiative
Harry R. Jackson Jr. is an American Christian preacher and Pentecostal bishop who serves as the senior pastor at Hope Christian Church in Beltsville, Maryland, and as the presiding bishop of the International Communion of Evangelical Churches. He is the founder and chairman of the High Impact Leadership Coalition, which is composed of ministers who actively promote socially conservative causes. Bishop Jackson is also a co-founder of the Reconciled Church Initiative which seeks to bring racial healing to the church and America.

Bishop Jackson earned a B.A. in English from Williams College and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He has appeared as a guest on many national and syndicated programs. He has also been featured in multiple national publications and in other media outlets.
A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities
A Manifesto: Christian America’s Contract with Minorities by Bishop Harry R. Jackson Jr. sets the stage for a biblical agenda or manifesto to bring about social change in our nation. Christians of every denomination and ethnic stripe are welcome to join this coalition to contribute to our national vision and strategic direction.

Rather than continuing to let government view minorities as precocious children too young to drive, A Manifesto offers an outline to strengthen people to work together to be empowered in key areas, from education and public policy reform to wealth creation and entrepreneurship.

Christians everywhere are urged to join in and build a brighter tomorrow for all of us!
NBA - empty-court
Let Them Boycott
No one is saying athletes should not have social consciences or forums to express their political views. But the game is not such a forum, not if they expect people to attend or tune in. ...
Lab workers with hazmat
COVID Testing – Positive vs. Negative
Testing, testing, testing -- that's how Pelosi and the Democrats say we'll defeat the coronavirus. Meanwhile, President Trump and his administration are conducting "operation warp speed" at breakneck pace to develop therapeutics, diagnostics, and a ...




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