On our show today, our host Kerby Anderson welcomes Kevin Leman. Dr. Leman brings us his new book, Be a Great Leader by Friday. In the second hour, Kerby will speak with Casey Luskin. Dr. Luskin will share information about God’s creative design and evolutions failed predictions and they’ll talk about the upcoming Dallas Conference on Science and Faith. Before and after his guests, Kerby shares a biblical perspective on the top stories from the weekend.
Don’t miss it, it’s going to be a great show. Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

In just five days, you’ll learn why people do what they do and how to uniquely motivate them. You’ll refine your leadership traits, explore best-result strategies, and create an intentional environment that matches your mission and goals. You’ll uncover the secrets to managing that often-elusive work and home balance… and much, much more.

In his role at Discovery Institute, Dr. Luskin works as Associate Director of the Center for Science and Culture, where he helps direct the ID 3.0 Research Program, and assists and defends scientists, educators, and students who seek to freely study, research, and teach about the scientific debate over Darwinian evolution and ID.

Whether you join us in the Dallas area or online, you’ll learn about…
+ The miracle of butterfly metamorphosis (Paul Nelson)
+ The amazing honeybee (Eric Hedin)
+ The scientific evidence of the human soul (Michael Egnor)
+ The intelligent design of plants (Emily & Daniel Reeves)
+ The theory of ID as fuel for scientific discovery (Casey Luskin)
+ The origin of animal body plans (Stephen Meyer)