Today’s host is Kerby Anderson. He begins with a weekend update. Then he welcomes back President of iVoterGuide, Debbie Wuthnow. They’ll discuss the Key SCOTUS Decisions from 2021. His second guest is Dr. Joshua McNall. Associate professor of pastoral theology, he brings us his new book, Perhaps.
He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask questions or make comments on Facebook by clicking on the link:

Wuthnow holds a master’s degree in Computer Science from Princeton University and was a systems engineer at AT&T Bell Laboratories. She spent many years as a stay-at-home mom while organizing events for her church and community.
Wuthnow joined iVoterGuide in 2011 as a data analyst and was named president in 2018. Since assuming a leadership role, she led the organization to grow from 12 to 40 partners and to reach over 1 million voters nationwide in 2018.
Wuthnow is also the organizations spokesman and has appeared on American Family Radio as well as on the "Eric Metaxas Show," Debbie Georgatos' "America, Can We Talk?," "Point of View Radio" and "WallBuilders Live."
She is also a handbell musician and performed as a member of Council Oaks Bells from Round Rock, Texas. Wuthnow and her husband, Mark, live in Austin, Texas, and have three children.

Theologian Joshua McNall encourages readers to reclaim the little word "perhaps" as a sacred space between the warring extremes of unchecked doubt and zealous dogmatism. To say "perhaps" on certain contested topics means exercising a hopeful imagination, asking hard questions, returning once again to Scripture, and reclaiming the place of holy speculation as we cling to a faith that stands distinct from both pervasive skepticism and abrasive certainty.
In this day especially, it's time Christians learned to say "perhaps."