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Monday, January 29, 2024

We invite you to join our Millennial Round Table with host Chelsey Yeoman. She is joined by speaker and author Patrina Mosley, and by historian Richard Lim. They’ll discuss abortion, issues facing millennials, and more of today’s top news stories.

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Chelsey Youman, Esq.
National Director of Public Policy for Human Coalition

Chelsey Youman, Esq., serves the pro-life coalition, as well as women and their preborn children, by advocating for pro-life policies and jurisprudence; mobilizing and unifying local grassroots to strengthen the pro-life movement and its footprint; and engaging with the public to ultimately strengthen our community’s desire to enable women and protect preborn children. Chelsey’s professional experience includes working as seniorRead More

Patrina Mosley Show Page
Patrina Mosley
Speaker | Author | Advocate | Founder and Principal - PPM Consulting
Patrina Mosley is the founder and principal at PPM Consulting, LLC, where she guides organizations, campaigns, and policymakers in elevating women's dignity issues with a special focus on the African-American community. Patrina is a speaker, author, and advocate on the issues of the right to life, combatting sexual exploitation, faith, and the black family.

Her commentary has been featured in the New York Times, The Washington Post, Washington Examiner, The Hill, The Washington Times, Townhall, The Federalist, The Daily Signal, World Magazine, LifeSite News, Live Action News, The Christian Post, and more, including over 90 published policy papers, reports, and articles.

Patrina’s sought-after expertise has placed her before multiple state legislatures, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee, and serving as an appointed advisor in the United States Agency for International Development. She has had the privilege of serving in various leadership roles at the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, Concerned Women for America, and the Family Research Council. Patrina sits on the advisory board of Human Coalition Action and is a contributing author to Choose Life: Answering Key Claims of Abortion Defenders with Compassion (Moody Publishers, 2022). Patrina is a graduate of Liberty University with a Bachelor of Science in Religion with a specialization in Biblical Studies and a Master’s in Public Policy.
Richard Lim Show Page
Richard Lim
Writer | Speaker | Blogger | Historian
Whether it's through his podcast, This American President, his appearances on the Stacy on the Right radio show, or writing for the Heritage Foundation's Daily Signal, Richard Lim loves talking about U.S. history and the lessons it offers for our nation's current issues. This passion also led him to serve at the White House and George Washington’s Mount Vernon Estate and to discuss history during his multiple appearance on the Global Voice Hall's Washington Weekly YouTube show. He has a master's degree from Syracuse University and a bachelor's degree from the University of California, San Diego.
March for Life - Prolife Marchers - Protesters
Republicans Pass 2 Anti-Abortion Bills on Eve of March for Life
House Republicans passed two anti-abortion bills reaffirming pregnant student rights and protecting federal funds for pregnancy centers.
Concertina Wire at Texas border
Bipartisan Deal on Border and Immigration
Senators are closing in on a bipartisan deal on the border and immigration. But vocal opposition from the hard right and former President Donald Trump is threatening to topple the compromise.
Javier Milei of Argentina at WEF
Two Conservatives Challenge the Davos Divas
Neither Argentina's president nor the Heritage Foundation's head was at the World Economic Forum to win a popularity contest.
NH highlights - video
New Hampshire Primary Highlights
Trump’s Strategy to Defeat Biden
If he were to win, Trump could reshape America more quickly, and in more lasting ways, than he did before. Source: Trump's election campaign strategy to defeat Biden, dominate GOP race
House for Rent sign
Housing Unaffordable for Record Half of All US Renters
A new Harvard analysis finds people across income levels got squeezed by rent hikes during the pandemic. The market has lost millions of low-rent places, and new construction is mostly high-end.
Empty church pews
‘Nones’: Who They Are and What They Believe
28% of U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated, describing themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religion.




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