Today on our show today Kerby will feature discussions about the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court. He will talk with Van Taylor, Texas Senator from District 8. Kerby’s other guests are Brad Dacus and then Justin Walker who will each bring their own opinions on the Senate confirmation, former cases, and future potential of Justice Kavanaugh.
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As a Marine Officer and paratrooper, Captain Taylor volunteered for duty as a platoon commander with the Marine Corps’ C Company, 4th Reconnaissance Battalion. He deployed to Iraq where he fought with the 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company. Taylor led the first platoon into Iraq for his brigade and led a mission that rescued 31 wounded Marines during the pitched Battle of An Nasiriyah. For his service in Iraq, the Marine Corps awarded Captain Taylor the Combat Action Ribbon, Presidential Unit Citation, and the Navy Commendation Medal with “V” for valor.
Throughout his tenure in the Texas Legislature, Van consistently fought to limit the size and reach of government, secure our border, rein in spending, lower taxes, protect the Rainy Day Fund, and stop the expansion of Obamacare in Texas. For his commitment to conservative principles, he has earned the “Taxpayer Champion” award from Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, the “Courageous Conservative” award from Texas Conservative Coalition, and the “Torch of Freedom” award from the Young Conservatives of Texas. Additionally, he was named a “Top-Rated Conservative” by the Texas Eagle Forum, and earned an A rating from the National Rifle Association.
In addition to fighting for conservative solutions, Taylor has also made his mark spearheading legislation to protect victims of domestic violence and to safeguard our children from online sexual predators. He has worked to make it easier for our military to vote while serving overseas, verify the citizenship of every voter in the state, close a loophole preventing healthcare fraud and abuse saving local taxpayers millions, curb the prescription opioid epidemic, stop the proliferation of toll roads, and author sweeping ethics reform including revoking benefits from corrupt politicians. Additionally, Taylor’s Truth in Taxation rule, which forces politicians to state clearly in the first line of any bill if there is an attempt to raise taxes or fees, has been cited by Americans for Tax Reform as a successful blueprint for other states to implement.
Van and his wife, Anne, married after his return from Iraq and are the proud parents of three young girls. Van and his family reside in Plano near the land his great-grandfather farmed during the Great Depression.

In 1997, Brad Dacus founded Pacific Justice Institute, where he serves as President and continues to defend religious liberties and parental rights. The Pacific Justice Institute has a network of hundreds of volunteer affiliate attorneys and handles more cases on the West Coast than any other organization of its kind.
Brad can be heard weekly on “The Dacus Report” Saturday mornings on KWVE and 100 radio stations around the nation. He has been a guest speaker on numerous radio and television programs, participates weekly in several radio talk show interviews, and has appeared on ABC's "Good Morning America," "The Today Show," "CNN," "Hannity and Colmes," "News Talk TV," “CBS Evening News,” "MSNBC," "NBC News," NBC "Dateline" and many times on the "O'Reilly Factor."
Mr. Dacus' varied public speaking opportunities include public debate, on two occasions, against the president of the ACLU, and on another occasion, against the president of "Americans United for Separation of Church and State." He has testified before the United States House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. in opposition to H.R. 1592 “Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007.” He has also testified numerous times before the California State Legislature on legislation affecting religious freedom and parents' rights. He has guest lectured at Stanford University School of Law.
Mr. Dacus continues to speak regularly at churches, conferences, graduations and conventions throughout the United States, including pastors’ legal seminars and workplace seminars co-sponsored by Pacific Justice Institute with local churches and Christian colleges and universities. Brad was presented an honorary Doctorate of Religious Freedom and Family Rights degree from California Baptist University in recognition of his commitment to faith and justice and his work protecting parental rights and religious freedom through the Pacific Justice Institute.