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left_flag Monday, July 22
Monday, July 22, 2019

Our first guest is author John Ortberg. He will discuss his book, All the Places to Go…How Will You Know? “John is also Senior Pastor at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church in Northern California.

During the second hour Kerby welcomes Mary DeMuth, a former church planter in France and the author of 30 books. Mary joins us today to tell us more about her book, The Day I met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels.

Point of View’s guest for the final hour is Dr. Donald L. Brake. He tells us about his book, Jesus: A Visual History.


Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

John Ortberg
Author, Senior Pastor - Menlo Park Presbyterian Church
John Ortberg is the senior pastor at Menlo Park Presbyterian Church (MPPC). John’s teaching centers around how faith in Christ can impact our everyday lives with God. He has written books on spiritual formation including, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, Know Doubt, The Me I Want To Be, and most recently, Who is This Man?. John teaches around the world at conferences and churches.

Born and raised in Rockford, Illinois, John graduated from Wheaton College with a degree in psychology. He holds a Master of Divinity and doctorate degree in clinical psychology from Fuller Seminary, and has done post-graduate work at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Prior to joining MPPC, John served as teaching pastor at Chicago’s Willow Creek Community Church.

John is a member of the Board of Trustees at Fuller Seminary, where he has also served as an adjunct faculty member. He is on the board for the Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation, and has served on the board of Christianity Today International. John is married to Nancy Ortberg, and they have three grown children.
All the Places to Go . . . How Will You Know?: God Has Placed before You an Open Door. What Will You Do?
Very rarely in the Bible does God command someone to “Stay.” He opens a door, and then he invites us to walk through it—into the unknown. And how we choose to respond will ultimately determine the life we will lead and the person we will become. In fact, to fail to embrace the open door is to miss the work God has made for us to do.

In All the Places to Go . . . How Will You Know?, bestselling author John Ortberg opens our eyes to the countless doors God places before us every day, teaches us how to recognize them, and gives us the encouragement to step out in faith and embrace all of the extraordinary opportunities that await.

So go ahead—walk through that door. You just might do something that lasts for eternity.
Mary DeMuth
Mary Demuth
Author | Speaker
If you met Mary DeMuth today, her joy would confuse you. Who she has become in light of tragedy is a testimony of Jesus’s ability to transform a broken life. A child of three divorces, a victim of sexual assault at a young age, with a father who died when she was ten, Mary wanted to end her life in her teens. In the tenth grade, she heard about Jesus, and she knew she wanted to chase after Him for the rest of her life. Thankfully, He chased her.

Mary is the author of thirty-two books, including her latest: Jesus Every Day. She has spoken around the world about God’s ability to re-story a life, bringing needed freedom to her audiences. She’s been on the 700 Club, spoken in Munich, Cape Town, and Monte Carlo, and planted a church with her family in southern France. Her best work? Being a mom to three amazing young adults and the wife of nearly 25 years to Patrick. She makes her home in Dallas alongside her husband, and two dueling cats.
The Day I met Jesus: The Revealing Diaries of Five Women from the Gospels.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ met face-to-face with people just like you. Broken, imperfect, sometimes fearful and without hope. The Day I Met Jesus is a beautifully crafted narrative that chronicles the remarkable encounters of five women in the Gospels who were desperate to find wholeness, security, and purpose. Like all of us, these women struggled with the regrets of their pasts, the stresses of their presents, and the worries of their tomorrows.

Join Frank Viola and Mary DeMuth on a fascinating journey back in time as they retell the dramatic accounts of five women who met Jesus. Each narrative is told from each woman's unique perspective, yet tightly grounded in the Gospel accounts and faithful to first-century history. Elegantly written and profoundly stirring, this book blends creative narrative with uncommon insight, spiritual depth, and practical application.

If you are someone who seeks a renewal of hope, faith, and love, The Day I Met Jesus will make your Bible come to life and usher you into a fresh encounter with your Lord.
Donald L. Brake, PhD
Dean Emeritus - Multnomah Biblical Seminary
Donald L. Brake (PhD, Dallas Theological Seminary) is dean emeritus of Multnomah Biblical Seminary and former president of Jerusalem University College. Brake is an avid collector of rare Bibles and manuscripts and holds one of the most complete private collections of rare English Bibles and Greek New Testaments in America. He is the author of A Visual History of the English Bible and A Visual History of the King James Bible.
Jesus, A Visual History: The Dramatic Story of the Messiah in the Holy Land
Jesus, A Visual History, offers a unique vantage point into Jesus’ story, introducing readers to the historical context of Gospel accounts. Its easy reading style, thorough research, and visual presentation will leave you with a greater and lasting appreciation for Jesus the Messiah. Maps and charts summarize and visualize the events of Jesus’ life, along with full-color photos and 19th-century black-and-white images of the modern sites where biblical events took place. In addition, original artwork researched for accuracy illuminates Jesus’ life and work.

This engaging, visually-driven book provides an accessible yet accurate invitation to better understand both the Holy Land and the Savior who walked it.




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