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Monday, July 9, 2018

Today on our show today Kerby will talk to Brian Fisher, Dr. Gary Chapman, and then in the final hour, Kerby will have an hour of teaching on the patriot preachers of the revolutionary war. They were called the Black Robed Regiment.

Brian Fisher is back. Today he joins us in-studio to tell us more about his organization, Online for Life and his book, Deliver Us From Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America’s Children.

Then we hear from author, speaker, and counselor—Dr. Gary Chapman. He discusses his book, Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion. Through his book, Chapman explains that while anger is a reality of life,  it doesn’t have to control our lives. He talks about how to handle anger and use it for good.

Finally Kerby has an hour of teaching on the patriot preachers of the revolutionary war. They were called the Black Robed Regiment.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Brian Fisher
Co-Founder and President - Human Coalition
Author, speaker, and business leader Brian Fisher co-founded Online for Life after years serving in executive management in the for-profit and non-profit arenas. He started his career in media, and then served as Executive Vice President of a start-up financial firm. Brian then served as president of a $38M dollar media non-profit before moving to Texas to become the COO of a large marketing agency. Brian moved back into the non-profit world as President of Online for Life in early 2012 when it blossomed into the national effort it is today.

Originally piloted in 2007, Online for Life is a transparent, metric-oriented, compassion-driven organization dedicated to rescuing babies and families from abortion through technology and grace. Brian is a Certified Financial Planner® and the author of five books, including Deliver Us From Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America’s Children and numerous articles. His columns have appeared in publications such as, the Washington Post, Crosswalk, and Brian and his wife, Jessica, have two sons.
Deliver Us From Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America's Children
Consider that for the past 40 years, a staggering 56 million Americans have been killed by abortion. It claims the lives of over 1.2 million children every year, or roughly one child every 25 seconds. So why isn't the American church doing something to stop this atrocity, which is the greatest holocaust in American history? The majority of American churches, God's institutions for spreading the gospel of peace and defending the weak and innocent, remain silent. Feeding the poor, stopping human trafficking, rescuing children from abuse, and protecting women from exploitation are all issues the church is addressing. Yet abortion remains eerily absent from the list of church priorities in America. Why is abortion not the church's highest priority? Is the American church silent because abortion has become politicized and church leaders are afraid to discuss it or because we simply don't know what the Bible says about it? What will cause the church to wake up, rise up and take this issue to task to save our children? In his latest book, Deliver Us From Abortion: Awakening the Church to End the Killing of America's Children, Brian Fisher, co-founder and President of Online for Life, breaks the veil of silence and uncovers the reality of abortion in the church, what the Bible really says about it, and how God has empowered His church to end this unspeakable tragedy.
Dr. Gary Chapman
Author | Speaker |Counselor
Dr. Gary Chapman—author, speaker, and counselor—has a passion for people and for helping them form lasting relationships. He is the author of the #1 bestselling The 5 Love Languages® series and the director or Marriage and Family Life Consultants, Inc. Dr. Chapman travels the world presenting seminars, and his radio program airs on more than 400 stations.
Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion
Life is full of frustrations—some big, some little. And while you might not be ready to blow a gasket, it’s easy to get angry in the wake of rejection, hurt, or embarrassment—and anger can have a really tight grip.

In Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion, Dr. Gary Chapman offers helpful (and sometimes surprising) insights into why you get angry and what you can do about it.
Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment
They were prophets of liberty and truth. They bravely led their men onto the battlefield to face the cold steel of the dreaded Redcoats. They were hated and feared by the British who called them the ""Black Robed Regiment."" Who were they? They were America's ""patriot preachers"" of the 18th century. Believing the Bible addressed every subject, including politics, wearing their black preaching robes, they boldly preached about spiritual and civil liberty. When the inevitable clash with the British came, they courageously defended liberty. Volume I of Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment documents how these preachers courageously led their men onto the battlefield. Volume II explains the biblical convictions that motivated them to fight and shows how America will not survive without a rebirth of patriotism in the pulpit.
Black Robed Regiment
Black-Robed Regiment
Teaching by Kerby Anderson:
The Black Robed Regiment -
America's "patriot preachers" of the 18th century, hated and feared by the British who called them the "Black Robed Regiment."
When the inevitable clash with the British came, why did they courageously defended liberty?




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