Today’s show is led by Kerby Anderson. He welcomes Mark Hancock, Travis Weber and Chelsen Vicari. Mark is CEO of Trail Life USA and will be talking about Trail Life USA and the Boy Scouts.Travis, from the Family Research Council will give us his perspective on the Supreme Court Ruling in favor of Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker. As for Chelsen, she has a new book out, ” Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith.
Our guests and the current topics on Kerby’s list will make this a great show!!
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Before joining FRC, Travis practiced law in the areas of civil rights, criminal defense, and military law. He holds a J.D. from Regent University School of Law, where he served as the Notes & Comments Editor on Law Review. Travis also graduated with an LL.M. in International Law (with distinction) and a Certificate in International Human Rights Law from Georgetown University Law Center.
Travis previously served as a Navy pilot after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was captain of the Intercollegiate Sailing Team and a two-time College Sailing All-American.

She is the author of the book Distortion: How the New Christian Left is Twisting the Gospel and Damaging the Faith. Her articles and commentary on religious liberty, the persecuted Church, and various women’s issues have appeared in The Christian Science Monitor, Charisma Magazine, The Blaze, The Washington Examiner, Decision Magazine, The Christian Post, CNS News, Conservative Review, RealClearReligion, the Southern Baptist’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) blog, and Kay Arthur’s Precepts blog. In addition, Chelsen co-hosts the blog “Faith & Chelsen,” where she tackles the tough topics facing Christian women and culture.
Chelsen has also presented at multiple churches and Christian conferences on various cultural issues facing the Church. She has been a guest speaker at Southern Evangelical Seminary’s annual apologetics conference, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, the 2015 World Congress of Families, the Springtime of Faith Foundation’s annual Rome Summit, Victory Way Baptist Church, Christiansburg, Virginia, Skyview Missionary Baptist Church, Fancy Gap, Virginia, Grace Assemblies of God, Christiansburg, Virginia, Columbia Baptist Church, Falls Church, Virginia, and most recently the Institute on Religion & America’s 2018 global Christian persecution summit.
Most recently, Chelsen hosted a panel discussion titled, “Evangelical Women and Public Policy.” You can watch the panel event here:
It is time to take a stand once again in the culture wars, this time for the sake of our youth and our future. To keep praying, keep acting, keep discerning truth, keep upholding Scripture as authority, and keep fighting on the battleground where Christianity and public policy collide. This is a great challenge. But it is one that every generation of evangelicals must be willing to take on for Jesus Christ.
It is worth the battle. America needs us. The church needs you.