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left_flag Monday, March 15
Monday, March 15, 2021

Tuesday’s Point of View host is our own Kerby Anderson!  During the first hour, he brings us the latest stories from the headlines. Kerby’s guest in our second hour is Joel C. Rosenberg. Joel introduces his latest book, The Beirut Protocol. Kerby’s final guest is Greg Koukl, the founder and president of Stand to Reason. Greg will talk about his newly published article, “When Spiritual Heroes Fall.”

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Show Page:

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

Joel Rosenberg Show Page
Joel C. Rosenberg
Author | Speaker
Rosenberg was born in Syracuse, New York. His father is a first-generation American from a Jewish background whose parents and grandparents emigrated from Russia and settled in Brooklyn, New York. His mother, a Gentile, was raised in Rome, New York.

When Rosenberg was two, his parents moved to a community just outside of Rochester, New York. He grew up in the small town of Fairport and graduated from Fairport High School in 1985. He attended Syracuse University (1985–1989)—spending one semester of his junior year studying at Tel Aviv University (August 1987 to January 1988)—and graduated from SU with a BFA in film drama in May 1989.

Rosenberg married his college sweetheart, Lynn, in June of 1990. Together, they made their home in the Washington, D.C., area for 24 years. They and their four sons—Caleb, Jacob, Jonah, and Noah—now live in Israel.
The Beirut Protocol: A Marcus Ryker Series Political and Military Action Thriller: (Book 4)
In the fourth installment of Rosenberg’s gripping new series, Marcus Ryker finds himself in the most dangerous situation he has ever faced―captured, brutalized, and dragged deep behind enemy lines.

Should he wait to be rescued? Or try to escape? How? And what if his colleagues are too wounded to run?

This is the CIA’s most valuable operative as you have never seen him before.
Greg Koukl
Founder | President - Stand to Reason
Greg started out thinking he was too smart to become a Christian and ended up giving his life for the defense of the Christian faith. A central theme of Greg's speaking and writing is that Christianity can compete in the marketplace of ideas when it's properly understood and properly articulated.

Greg's teaching has been featured on Focus on the Family radio, he’s been interviewed for CBN and the BBC, he’s debated atheist Michael Shermer on Hugh Hewitt’s national radio show, and did a one-hour national television debate with Deepak Chopra on Lee Strobel's “Faith Under Fire.” Greg has been quoted in U.S. News & World Report and the L.A. Times. An award-winning writer, Greg has written or contributed to 14 books, including Tactics—A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, Relativism: Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air with Francis J. Beckwith, and Precious Unborn Human Persons. Greg has published nearly 200 articles and has spoken on 70 college and university campuses both in the U.S. and abroad.

Greg received his Masters in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics at Talbot School of Theology, graduating with high honors, and his Masters in Christian Apologetics with honors from Simon Greenleaf University. He is an adjunct professor in Christian apologetics at Biola University. He’s hosted his own radio talk show for over 25 years advocating clear-thinking Christianity and defending the Christian worldview.
When Spiritual Heroes Fall
When Spiritual Heroes Fall
It’s hard to imagine anything so unsettling as learning that a spiritual hero has been living a secret life of egregious sin. Stunned, shocked, and shaken, you might not know how to process news like ...
democrat donkeys marching lockstep
Party of Groupthink
When President Biden finally signed into law a $1.9 trillion spending package, passed without a single Republican vote in either house of Congress, the White House celebrated it.
H.R. 1 - sign on podium
Eight Worst Parts of H.R. 1
H.R. 1, the deceptively entitled "For the People Act," has arrived in the U.S. Senate after a party-line vote in the House of Representatives. It is without doubt the most dangerous and irresponsible election bill I have ever seen.
us-army military in full gear
Military: Inclusion is Our Strength
While the leaders of other countries are focused on making their militaries into more effective and deadlier fighting machines which thrive at the central task of defeating the enemy, the folks in charge of our ...
Boxing Legend Dies After Getting Vaccine
Boxing legend Marvelous Marvin Hagler died at the age of 66 Saturday night, and an online battle has erupted over reports his death was a direct result of getting "the vaccine."




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