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left_flag Monday, March 17
Monday, March 17, 2025

Welcome to Monday’s Point of View. Our host is our own Kerby Anderson!  During the first hour, he welcomes Reggie Littlejohn in to the studio. They’ll talk about the CCP and the WHO.

It’s an extra special show. Please don’t miss it.

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Penna Dexter
Penna Dexter

Point of View Co-Host, Penna Dexter frequently sits in as guest host for Kerby Anderson. Her weekly commentaries air on the Bott Radio Network. Penna’s heart is in educating and encouraging Christians to influence the culture and politics. She worked as a consultant overseeing the launch and production of the Family Research Council’s nationally syndicated radio program, Washington Watch Weekly. For eight yearsRead More

Reggie Littlejohn Show Page
Reggie Littlejohn
Founder & President - Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
Reggie Littlejohn is the founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. A graduate of Yale Law School, she is an acclaimed international expert on China’s One Child Policy. Her organization has been called the “leading voice” in the battle to expose and oppose forced abortion and gendercide (the sex-selective abortion of baby girls) in China.

Women’s Rights Without Frontiers is also saving lives in China. Their “Save a Girl” campaign finds women who are about to abort or abandon their babies because they are girls and enables them to keep their daughters by providing the family with monthly stipends for a year. They have saved hundreds of baby girls from gendercide and grinding poverty. They have also launched their “Save a Widow” campaign to give help destitute widows in rural China.




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