The show today is hosted by Penna Dexter. Her first guest is Tamar Miller. As a pastor’s wife and mom of two teens, she brings us her new book, Odd Moms Out. In the second hour, Penna welcomes back Karen England from Capitol Resource Center. She will share about the Parental Rights Council.
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Tamar: twice-widowed and childless, she arranged an incestuous encounter with her father-in-law
Rahab: the prostitute who hid enemy spies to save her life
Ruth: the barren widow who cared for her mother-in-law in a foreign country
Bathsheba: the married woman who committed adultery with her husband's murderer
Mary: the pregnant woman engaged to a man who was not the biological father of her childTheir stories of hope will encourage and challenge you to trust your Savior and rely on His redemptive grace no matter what you face.