Penna Dexter hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Penna will talk to Jonathan Saenz about the happenings in state politics. Jonathan will give us information on the bills that made it out of committee. Her second guest is Ryan Bomberger. He will share his insight into Pro-Life Free Speech. Up next Penna talks to Trent England about the National Popular Vote. Penna’s final guest is Tim Winter. They will discuss the Parents’ Television Council.
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Prior to leading Texas Values, Jonathan headed the Liberty Institute offices at the Texas Capitol in Austin where he served as Director of Legislative Affairs and Attorney for Liberty Institute. Jonathan believes in religious liberty, sanctity of human life, family values, and constitutional rights, and has been involved in numerous court cases, including cases before the Texas Supreme Court and the United State Supreme Court. Jonathan has been featured in local, national and international media such as Fox News, CNN, USA Radio, Austin-American Statesman, Dallas Morning News, and Houston Chronicle among many others and is a sought after speaker for important events.
Mr. Saenz received his law degree from the University of Houston Law Center where he was honored as a Public Interest Law Fellow. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Jonathan is a native Texan (5th generation) who grew up in Houston, Texas and is a proud American. He and his family live in Buda and are members of Santa Cruz Catholic Church.

Today, he is an Emmy® Award-winning Creative Professional who founded The Radiance Foundation (TRF), a life-affirming 501(c)(3), along with his wife, Bethany. He is a broadcast media designer, producer, columnist, passionate factivist, international public speaker and author of the powerful book, Not Equal: Civil Rights Gone Wrong.
From congressional briefings on Capitol Hill to launching billboard campaigns in major cities across the country to advocating for adoption to inspiring youth & adults with their one-of-a-kind multimedia presentations, Ryan has had incredible opportunities to address hundreds of thousands across the country.
He was the creative force behind the first ad campaign to expose abortion’s hugely disproportionate impact in the black community. The bold billboards/web campaigns made an unexpected impact in the pro-life movement. His regularly published articles address the cultural dynamics of abortion, adoption, eugenics, fatherlessness, natural marriage, racism, #BlackLivesMatter, poverty, LGBT and judicial activism, free speech and religious liberty.
Ryan is happily married to the love of his life, Bethany. They are the proud homeschooling parents of four amazing children, two of whom are adopted. They are his daily inspiration in illuminating that every human life has purpose.

He hosts The Trent England Show podcast, and formerly hosted morning drive-time radio in Oklahoma City. He has filled for various radio hosts including Ben Shapiro.
Trent previously served as Executive Vice President of the Olympia, Washington-based Freedom Foundation and had also directed the Foundation's constitutional studies programs and Citizen Action Network. He was also a candidate for the Washington State House of Representatives and a legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation.
Trent is a contributor to two books—"The Heritage Guide to the Constitution" and "One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors, and Activist Judges Threaten Your Liberty." His writing has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Washington Times, and other newspapers.
Trent holds a law degree from The George Mason University School of Law and a bachelor of arts in government from Claremont McKenna College. He lives in Oklahoma City with his wife and their three children.

Mr. Winter worked at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM), where he led the studio’s Interactive Division and its online and video game publishing ventures. He was also president and chief operating officer at FasTV, Inc., an internet media company. Prior to his work with the Parents Television Council, he was the co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Desktop TV, a high tech media firm that delivered live broadcasts of business-oriented cable programming to the enterprise marketplace via internet protocol.
Mr. Winter is the architect of the PTC’s national campaign for Cable Choice. As a father, he believes it is critical that parents be given the opportunity to select and pay for only those cable channels they want and not channels bundled by their cable operator. Cable Choice, he believes, is the ultimate solution for families who want to control the flow of indecent programs that come into the home.
Born and raised in northern Virginia, Mr. Winter graduated from Principia College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration. He earned his Juris Doctorate from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles and is a member of the California Bar Association. He resides in the Los Angeles, California, metropolitan area with his wife and their daughter.