On Point of View today, Kerby is joined by Dr. Mark Bauerlein, author of the new book, The Dumbest Generation Grows Up. A nationally renowned writer and social critic, Mark Bauerlein is an Editor at First Things and Professor Emeritus of English at Emory University. In the second hour, Kerby brings us an update from the weekend.
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Today, their future doesn’t look so bright, and their present is pretty grim. The twenty-somethings who spent their childhoods staring into a screen are lonely and purposeless, unfulfilled at work and at home. Many of them are even suicidal. The Dumbest Generation Grows Up is an urgently needed update on the Millennials, explaining their not-so-quiet desperation and, more important, the threat that their ignorance poses to the rest of us. Lacking skills, knowledge, religion, and a cultural frame of reference, Millennials are anxiously looking for something to fill the void. Their mentors have failed them. Unfortunately, they have turned to politics to plug the hole in their souls.
Having diagnosed the malady before most people realized the patient was sick, Mark Bauerlein surveys the psychological and social wreckage and warns that we cannot afford to do this to another generation.