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Monday, May 22, 2017

Our first guest on the show today is David Richardson, founder and CEO of the Assumptions Institute. Richardson is also the author of the book, Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You. He discusses his book with Kerby.

Our second guest joins us in-studio. Mario Zandstra, president of East-West Ministries International chats about worldwide reach and revival.

Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Host, Point of View Radio Talk Show

Kerby Anderson is host of Point of View Radio Talk Show and also serves as the President of Probe Ministries. He holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He also serves as a visiting professor at Dallas Theological Seminary and has spoken on dozens of university campuses including University of Michigan, Vanderbilt University, Princeton University, Johns HopkinsRead More

David Richardson
Founder and CEO - Assumptions Institute
David Richardson is the founder of the Assumptions Institute and its Chief Executive Officer. Prior to founding the Assumptions Institute, Richardson served for 30 years on the staff of Cru, formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ, devoting most of his ministry to university professors. The Atlanta-area resident founded the Christian faculty ministry in Atlanta beginning at Georgia Tech in 1996. He holds a B.A. degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Portland, and an M.A. degree in Theological Studies from the International School of Theology. Richardson also holds an MTh. degree in Applied Theology from the University of Oxford. His dissertation, “Accepting Christian Faith in the Academy,” was an important exploratory study of the religious attitudes and beliefs of university professors and how to reach them for Christ. He understands education and educators very well. Richardson is the innovator who discovered the power of assumptions. His research about assumptions enabled him to create the Assumptions Sorter™ and the Critical Assumptions Test. His research, writing, teaching, and speaking is at the heart of the work of the Assumptions Institute.
Transparent: How to See Through the Powerful Assumptions That Control You
Assumptions are the most potent of ideas, but also the least understood. Transparent reveals what assumptions we make, how they control us, and how they are all inherently religious. Even atheists are religious at the level of their assumptions. Some assumptions are true and most are not. How can you tell without being an intellectual? Transparent introduces the Transparent App, an innovative and creative tool that helps people quickly see through the messages they encounter daily in the things they read, watch, and hear using the power of assumptions. The Transparent App is simple enough for a student to use, but powerful enough for adults to find God and engage with Him in their areas of interest, expertise, and leadership. How can someone bring God with them to work or school? How does God give us knowledge and guidance in the things that matter in real life? At the level of assumptions God is everywhere. Transparent is not just a theoretical theological exercise for intellectuals. It “translates” the complex ideologies of the intellectuals into everyday language for everyday people. Written more like an adventure than a textbook, Transparent is a refreshing departure from the usual books about apologetics, theology, and culture. Students, parents, pastors, and professionals will all love Transparent.
Mario Zandstra
President - East-West Ministries International
Prior to East-West, Mario Zandstra served as Regional Director for Redeemer City to City and spent 17 years as President and CEO of Pine Cove, Inc. Before transitioning to vocational ministry, he worked in the Dallas real estate market for over 15 years.

Mario is an evangelist who is committed to disciple making; a visionary who thinks outside of the box; a keen, strategic thinker who factors in all possibilities; and a collaborative leader who considers long-term impact. His heart’s passion is for a revival in the United States and around the world and believes it is possible because of the everlasting power of the Gospel.

As President of East-West, Mario overseas the development of the ministry, marketing and communications, and prayerfully casts vision for the future of East-West’s work in the spiritually darkest areas of the world.

Mario was born in The Hague, Netherlands and grew up in southern California. He graduated from the business school at The University of Southern California before moving to Texas. Mario and his wife, Lynelle, live in the Dallas area and have seven children and two grand babies. Together, Mario and Lynelle frequently speak on the topic of marriage at conferences across the United States.
East-West Ministries: What We Do
East-West seeks to glorify God by building His Kingdom on earth. We believe that this is our mission . . . and your mission.

Compelled to complete this mission, we journey into some of the world’s most restricted and highly persecuted areas to tell of Jesus Christ and His redeeming grace.
Trump’s Call to Stamp Out Extremism
President Donald Trump says the U.S. seeks a "coalition of nations" in the Middle East with the aim of "stamping out extremism."

In his address to the Arab-Islamic American Summit in Riyadh, Trump is vowing to "strengthen America's oldest friendships, and to seek new partners in pursuit of peace."

Trump promised "that America will not seek to impose our way of life on others, but to outstretch our hands in the spirit cooperation and trust."
Trump painted the fight against extremists as "a battle between good and evil."

And, in his first major foreign policy address as president Trump said the fight against terrorism "is not a battle between different faiths, different sects, or different civilizations.

This is a battle between those who seek to obliterate human life and those who seek to protect it."

Trump continued that, "terrorists don't worship God. They worship death."




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